Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Melissa's P.O.V.

Worst. Night. Ever.

I had a nightmare of the past. I don't want to remember those days, but I know I will always remember them. I hated those bitches. Always judging. Like who the eff dares call me a slut when they know they are the ones that have sex with anything that moves.

Thinking they are all hot when really they look so fake that I bet Barbie would come second place in a fake competition between them. Oh, how I hated Ashley so bad. I just wanted to punch her face or even back hand her.


Sophie and I are just wandering the halls when Santa came up to us and gave us so much gifts way before Christmas, i'm kidding the spawn of Satan showed up with her devil horns and piece of cloth also known as clothes. Doesn't this bitch understand how to stay away? I don't even know her name for God sake.

"Do I smell whore?" Ms. Hoebag says as her and her 'posy' reach us.

"Do I smell prostitute?" I fired.

"Oh, you did not just say that!"

"What? are you deaf too?"

"No! Whatever. Could you and that thing over there move so that I can pass by?" When she said 'thing' she nodded her head towards Sophie.

"She is not a 'thing' and has a name. Why are you even talking to us like I mean I don't really have prostitutes coming up to me and talking to me when I don't even know their name."

"Everyone knows my name." Cocky much.

"Well, not everyone because you don't matter in this world. If all you came here to do is come and call me a whore so then be it. I don't give a shit."

"OH my God! You did not just say that. Anyways, my name is Claire."

"Did I ask for your name? No, Thought so. Bye." I said and brushed past her making sure to brush her shoulder when I walk by. Sophie cached up to me and we start laughing.

"Seriously? prostitute?" Sophie asks.

"Yeah. What else was I suppose to say?" I was now giggling.

"Hmmm, don't know. Maybe skank." She was giggling too.

"Oh! That's a good one!"

Chemistry is boring. All the teacher does is talk and talk and talk and talk and.. you get the point. Here I am falling asleep as the class drones on. I look up and focus my eyes on the clock. Aw man! 20 minutes more. I just want to leave.

"What did you say Miss Lopez?" Mr. Burns said.

Shit! Did I say that out loud?

"Uh, yes. Yes you did." Some kid whispered from beside me. I turned to glare at him and he looks away.

"Oh, nothing. Just humming is all." I replied giving a sweetly sick smile.

"Well, next time don't hum in my class. Understood?"

"110% sir."

Kill. Me. Now.

Could I just bang my head on my desk or more preferably the wall?

"Mel! Mel! Hey, Mel!" I heard someone shouting in the halls. I turned and saw a running Delilah pushing people out of the way and waving at me. It's a pretty funny view that I am laughing my ass off, if thats even possible. How can you laugh your ass off? Exactly. Makes no sense. Oh well.

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