Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Bianca's P.O.V

I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't stand all the abuse, all the name calling and most of all the good girl act. I had to leave. I packed all my things and decided that tonight is the day I run away from this hell hole I call 'home'. I really don't have to worry about money since I saved up a lot and my parents are filthy rich so I have a lot of money saved in my bank account. I will run far away from here and live a new life and start fresh.

My name is Bianca Montez, I'm 18 years old and I have long waist length brown hair and greenish/bluish eyes. I'm 5'5 and I have tannish skin. well, that's probably all going to change. For example, my name, hair and life.

I hear the front door slam and I instantly knew that my dad was back from his daily routine. He usually goes to the bar after work and gets so drunk that when he comes home he just comes to beat me, but not for long because soon I'll be gone and I won't have to be here anymore.

"BIANCAA!" I heard my dad yell from down stairs. I sigh, here we go again I voice in my thoughts. I run down the stairs to see my dad barely keeping himself up and instantly knew he was drunk.

"Yes, dad?" I ask as I reach him. He looks at me and smirks.

"Bianca baby! why don't you come here and give your father a hug?" He slurs. I hesitated at first, but thought if I don't go and hug him then maybe he would hurt me or do worse. I walk closer and extend my arms to hug him then I feel a sting on my left check and I was on the floor holding my cheek. He just laughs at me and then kicks my side and starts beating me.

"YOU-laugh-ACTUALLY-laugh-THOUGHT-laugh-I-laugh-WANTED-laugh-A-laugh-HUG-laugh-FROM-laugh-YOU!!!???" He was laughing so hard that he laughed between each word. I groan.

I couldn't take it anymore!! Why does he always hurt me? Why does he do this to me? Isn't he suppose to love and care for me? Those questions swarmed around in my head all the time, but I never got an answer to them.

Right at this moment I just wanted to leave, but I can't. I have to wait until both my parents are asleep so they won't catch me. He stopped laughing when he realized I haven't answered him yet.

"ANSWER ME YOU BITCH!-slap-DID YOU ACTUALLY THINK THAT I WANTED A HUG FROM YOU?!?" he screams while grabbing a fist full of my hair and bringing my face up to his. I wince as he pulls my hair tighter.

"N-n-n-noo I-I d-didn't. I-I'm sorry," I stutter while looking at the monster in front of me. I just wish that things were better and that I'd have a perfect family, but no I don't have a perfect family. I have a horrible one.

"Now, GO! I don't want to see your pathetic self anymore and stay in your room. If I see that you leave your room, you're going to get it!" he lets go of my hair and pushes me on the ground. I scramble off the floor and run upstairs to my room. When I reached my room I shut the door and locked it while breathing out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. I slide down the door and bring my knees to my chest while I cry.

I just want a normal life?!!? Is that too much to ask for?


Its been about two hours since my parents went to bed and I'm already set. I've got my suitcase with my clothes and shoes, another one with my electronics and toiletries. I have my plane ticket printed out and I think that's all. I open my room door quietly trying to not make any noise as I tip toe down the stairs. Anyways, my parents' bedroom is on the third floor and I doubt they'll hear me.

When I finally make it to the front door, I open it without making noise and quickly, but quietly go outside and lock the front door. I run to my street corner and wait for the taxi I called a few minutes before I left the house. I waited about three more minutes when the taxi pulled up on the curb. A man that is in his mid-thirties climbs out and helps me put my bags in the trunk. After putting my bags into the trunk, I go in the backseat and tell him to take me to the airport.

My plane leaves at 1:45am and its 12:30am. I will be going to California and starting a new life, but before that I have to change my appearance and name. So it's settled as soon as I land I will get a taxi to drive me to my new home. Did I mention that I bought a house already? No. Oops must of forgotten, but yeah I bought a new house and will be living there. Anyways.... back to the topic, I will leave my things at my place and head to the mall to get a new appearance and I will also need to change my name so I've got to do that too. Also, I have to get myself a car.

I snap out of my thoughts when I hear my flight being called. I pick up my suitcases and walk to the gate.

I've already gotten on the plane and am now waiting to start flying.

"Hello, everyone. This is your captain speaking please buckle your seats we are about to board! thank you. Have a nice flight." The captain says on the speaker. As I feel the plane moving, I drift off to a deep slumber.


As I step foot outside the airport, I saw the sun shining. I have my bags with me and I am now waiting for a taxi to take me to my new house. I see a taxi and wave trying to get the drivers attention, it works and now the taxi is heading my way. The driver puts my bags in the trunk while I sit in the backseat. He enters the drivers seat and turns to face me.

"where to?" he asks.

"35 MoulBerry Drive," (a/n: Address is made up) I answer him. He nods his head then starts driving to my destination. I turn my head to look out the window and see all the trees and houses passing by. Next I see that we entered a street with big houses. We kept going ahead and then we went up a drive way to a house that was big. It was bigger than all the other houses on this street, the house (if you can even call it a house, more like mansion) had a grey roof and in the front there was some white and a bricked part which was also grey. A big double door at the front. The house was just breathtaking and it was all mine. Once I've gotten my bags out of the trunk I pay the taxi man and start walking to the front door, I unlock the door and go in.

"Wow..." I breathe out as I enter.


Hope you enjoyed the first chapter!! Vote/comment, share & follow!

~xoxo Jay.

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