Ch.14 Dumb and Dumber

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One of my guinea pigs died January 6 because he had serious pneumonia :'"""""(

Anyway, I want at least 5 likes on this chapter and then I'll post up the next one I promise :)

maybe that can help get me out of my depression

~ Ash <3


(Later that day same day as in Ch.13)

"Stop flirting with my girlfriend Adam." Zac smacked him on the shoulder. Adam had just told Zac about the hitting thing and Zac being Zac had to comment about us flirting.

"Have you absolutely no faith in me?" I asked. I put a hand to my chest in fake shock, "I cant believe my own boyfriend has no faith in me."

"Baby I have complete faith in you," he smiled, he came down to give me a kiss but I ducked as fast as I could. Nope if he thought I was being that way then he'd get tortured for it, even if he is joking. He started pouting at me giving me the puppy dog eyes, and trust me it was a struggle trying to pretend to be mad at him.

"Weird." Adam spoke up then. We both raised an eyebrow at him for a second in wonderment.

"What?" We both said at the same time. Zac looked at me and smiled so I smiled back.

"Relationships are hard to understand." He vaguely said.

"They are actually quite easy you know," Zac smirked, "You find a girl, ask her out, date her, and dump her." He shrugged. Low Blow, I thought, Is that how he thinks of me and our relationship? He sent me a smirk and even though I could see the playfulness in his eyes it still wasn't enough, man I hate feeling self conscious.

"I get the concept of it idiot, I just don't get why it seems so mushy." He wrinkled his nose, "Watching you two makes me wanna barf."

"Gee thanks." I said sarcastically.

"Only when you get all mushy and gushy." He added quickly, there was fear in his eyes..........that was truly funny. I liked it when boys got all scared after they basically insult a girl right in front of her face.

"If you say so," I shrugged and started to walk to my next class. Zac and Adam started strolling behind me, probably thinking they would give me space just incase I blew my top. Or they were plotting something behind my back......literally. Whatever it was I wanted no part in it.

I got to photography intact, thank goodness. With only a few stares from the curious gossiper. Zac and Adam stood behind me, still discussing something random.

The teacher walked in, smiling at us all. She looked to Zac and I and her smile widened. "Zac and Claire, follow me," She exclaimed. We followed with curious looks in our eyes. She was really cheerful and that kinda scared me.

"What did ya need?" Zac asked while raising a pale blonde eyebrow.

"Your pictures for the portfolio are beautiful."

"What pictures?" I asked completely confused. Had we turned some in? I couldn't remember, I guess I just got caught up in my relationship with Zac. Zac sent me a sheepish look as I kept staring out of confusion.

"Yeah, actually. I kinda turned in some pictures we'd taken amongst ourselves." He shrugged nonchalantley, but behind that cool facade he was nervous and I'd like to know why.

"Can I see the pictures?" I asked Ms. Gardner batting my eyelashes innocently.

"Sure," She smiled, "I've got them right here." She handed me a Manila envelope with a few photographs inside. I pulled them out carefully not wanting to bend the corners or anything, that would just ruin me.

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