CH.6 Surprise Surprise

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OK so I didn't like the cliff hanger I ended this with but oh well I tried imma work hard on getting this right working hard and all that stuff hopefully lol

~ Ash

Ps: Pic is of Sam Bettley he plays my Erik hehehe


"I think you two should get running cause the security gaurd is after you." The principal popped up with a smirk on his face.

"Mr. Stein......" I laughed nervously. What was he doing out here? School was in session shouldn't he be in there disciplining people? I looked around at my surroundings, at the gnarled trees that covered the outskirts of the meadow. Maybe we could get away, but no I couldn't do that he already could see who we were and it would do us harm if we ran.

"Mr. Stein it's been forever." Zac chuckled like he was joking with an old friend, and honestly I could believe that. With how many times he's always in the office getting chewed out.

"I see we aren't going to run." He dismissed what Zac had just said and got straight to the point.

I sighed and unwrapped myself from Zac's grasp that still felt warm and encouraging. "Mr. Stein.....I.....we......just tell me my punishment." I looked him straight in the eyes ignoring Zac's groan of protest.

"Claire we could've made it out of here without punishment." He whispered.

"Well seeing as you aren't trying to kill each other, and by the looks of it you wanted to get very intimate. I think I won't give you punishment because your finally getting along." He beamed at us. I took a step back not understanding what he'd just said.

"Wait.....what?" I asked.

Zac's arm snaked around my waist and pulled me back to him, "He said we were off the hook." He held me close to him, and gently kissed my cheek. The kiss sent shivers down my spine making me wonder what would happen if we ever kissed on the lips. Just knowing that this kiss on the cheek could make me forget my name im pretty sure that i wont remember a single thing. I pulled slightly away from him feeling uncomfortable with the silent watching eyes of Mr. Stein.

He cleared his throat then, "Well get a move on it." and then he left us to be alone. We looked at each other, me with confusion at everything that just happened, him with happiness im pretty sure meant for me.

He smiled at me and took my hand, holding it so that i couldnt get out of this. "Come on lets go somewhere other than this clearing the gaurd will be on us an second." We took off running again making it out to the road. The few amount of cars on our way to his house made it easier to wak there faster.

"Um lets go up to my room." He stated once we walked inside the house. His house was big and i mean literally huge. It was a light blue color and he had two garages with two cars parked in each. the inside was even more lavishing. They must have an interior decorator or something, because they had great sense in color scheming and furniture.

Up to his room was a cool trip too, the stairs were a spiral going up to the 3rd floor. His bedroom, now that was a totally different story. There was a walk in closet and a balcony over looking the garden they had outside. His room was painted a navy color and all of his furniture seemed to be mahogany. It was the pictures all over the walls that got to me.

"What are these?" I asked running my eyes over them. Some were hand drawn while others seemed to be taken by camera.

"What? Oh those? They're just things I like to do when I'm bored or something." he explained. They all had the same vintage style to them, really pretty and old.

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