CH. 9 In His Head

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Sooooo I decided to do a chapter in Zac's POV cuz someone brought it up and I thought that sounds coolio imma write in Zac's POV and I like writing in both so that people can understand what is going on in the second most main characters heads. Cause I like when that happens so why not write in that if I like it because others probs do too :) ON WITH THE CHAPTER!!!!

PS: I still don't know how to put songs up darn it pleez tell me if you know how too cause I can't get the stupid links to work grrrrr



"Dude how many times must I tell you?" a frusterated Adam Grey asked me. We were lounging in the basement of my house and playing Mario Cart.

"What's the matter?" I shrugged lazily. This is how I've acted since she hurt me like a; lazy heart broken imbisule. The one girl I finally fall in love with hates me. I hate how karma works, nothing will ever be the same now. I won't be my usual sarcastic, energetic person until (dare I say it) Claire loves me.

"You need to come back to the real world man. You can have any girl you want, but your pursuing Claire. It's kinda pointless." He smacked my head and unpaused the game. "She's cool I get it I mean if you hadn't of been such a jerk to her in the first place......" he trailed off.

"Shut up." I grumbled. My eyes clouded over as I thought about that. It's true, everything he just said is true. If I wasn't such a jerk to her since the beginning then maybe she could have fallen in love with me. But the damage is done, and she hates me. "I still feel like I have a chance." I said silently.

"I never said you didn't have a chance bro." Adam pointed out. "I just said it's pointless. I mean I understand what your going through......." he cut himself off before he said anything else.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I raised an eyebrow completely curious. I don't think I'd ever seen him pursue a girl his whole life. To be honest I think he's still a virgin. "Are you a virgin?" I asked all of a sudden. He wasn't like me, well how I used to be. He acted like he was a player and wanted all the girls to notice him, but I think he did it to get the attention of a specific girl. To show how great a friend I am I don't even know who yet.

"No I'm not." He was blushing and glaring at me. Just the sight of an innocent guy made me laugh.

"Holy crap man! I didn't know you actually were.....I was joking. Who are you waiting for exactly?" I asked now enthralled in this conversation. Plus it was keeping Adam off the lack of information on why I pursued Claire.

"It's no one." He glared. I was just about to open my mouth to say something else but the doorbell rang. "That must be the pizza." he said as jumped off the couch and ran up the stairs. He was gone for a few minutes and I was beginning to wonder how long it took to get a pizza from the person at the door.

I heard footsteps start to treck down the stairs. I started to turn around and say, "Just put it on the-" I stared dumbfounded at the person infront of me. "What do you want Erik?" I asked.

"I came to talk on behalf of my stepsister today." He smiled lightly/cautiously.

"huh?" I looked at him like he was crazy. Adam took that moment to slide down the stairs and put a box on the table.

"Claire.....she's my uh stepsister. I came to speak on behalf of her. She doesn't know I'm here which makes it absolutely stupid of me, but I want to help you guys." He sighed. Adam sat next to me as he kept talking. I motioned for Erik to sit down and he did after a moment of hesitation. I offered him pizza after a few seconds of staring at the box, but he declined.

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