Ch. 23 Maybe

23 3 0

Here I am sat trying to write the next chapter and I keep getting distracted by my friend making her commencement speech. Hilarious. Anyway I finally have an Archiveofourown account which is the same as this name. If anyone wants to check out my fanfiction go ahead.

####### Also an extremely important note at the end of this chapter#########



***Claire POV***

I sat in silence waiting for the bell to ring in my english class. We're reading Crime and Punishment and so far we haven't gotten past the first two chapters yet. Our english teacher is by far the most boring human being in this world. He kept making us "pass the ball" so that we could read, how trivial right? That's why I liked being quiet and in the back where no one could see me. I hadn't gotten the ball passed to me yet and there were only five minutes left. I just sat there staring in between the book and the clock, even if the minutes seemed to go by slower that way.

"Claire if you want to keep staring at the clock, I think it'd be best if you read." My English teacher boomed. I jumped in surprise (not because I was falling asleep because I totally wasn't), and started blushing when people were snickering around me. "Now please read."

"Hopelessly in the fullest sense, when you know before hand that you will get nothing by it..." I started reading but the bell ended up ringing before I could go on. I cheered to myself because I didn't have to read anymore from that book, but before I knew it the teacher was springing an assignment on us for thanksgiving break.

"Read the rest of chapter two and then chapter three as well. There will be a quiz over them, so thank Claire for the test." He called out. I shot the back of his head a glare, while I had to endure many sarcastic 'thanks a lots' from the other students passing me by. 

"Yeah thanks a lot Claire." Zac smirked at me. "Gosh." He winked and then pressed a slight kiss to my cheek. I stood up and playfully pushed him away from me, rolling my eyes but pulling him down none the less to place a quick peck to his cheek. Ever since the day before I got unsuspended we have been talking everything over and even though I still have my doubts about everything, he convinced me to try to make us work. Even if it doesn't later on down the road, but we decided to lay everything on the table and go from there. My mom still hates the fact that we're together but it's always going to be this way with her. I came to terms with that. She hates me and there are probably some underlying factors that should be checked out by a psychologist with that fact but I'll be happily off to college in just a few months and there's no reason to push it.

I looked over at Zac as he goofed around with Adam and Erik down the hall. While Sam, Kirsten and I watched with fond expressions. I couldn't help the fact but to wish that everything could be perfectly fine between us. But what relationship ever was perfect? Sometimes you look at things and realize 'woah' the movies and books had been lying to me my entire life. Yet you shrug it off because no matter what, everything will always work out in the end. Even Kirsten did. Apparently Adam had a secret thing for her the past few years and somehow managed to get her to forget about Zac long enough for her to realize that yeah Adam is a great guy and could use some love. Now here I am, happy as any eighteen year old with normal teen problems can be.

"You coming babe?" Zac asked me and I hadn't realized I had been standing still watching them walk to the cafeteria lost in thought. I blushed knowing I was caught in the act.

"Yeah," I smiled, because maybe everything would be alright. Maybe he would forget about that moment.

He walked back up to me and wrapped me in his arms, "I love you." He whispered, and maybe he did finally confess his true feelings to me. I guess that was how it was supposed to be in the end. Us trying our hardest to work everything out, and just going with the flow. I think I would have lost my sanity if I hadn't agreed with him on that one.

We sat at our usual table with our all of our closest friends, joking and laughing. And maybe, just maybe. I whispered back without anyone else able to hear but him.

"I love you too."




Alright I've decided this is where I end it with Zac and Claire. I am really sorry if this isn't the ending you expected! I just felt like I milked every option there was plus this story has been going on for waaaaaaay too long. It was the first story I ever posted and now the first I have finished on wattpad. Now that I think about how amateur this story is I really want to go back and edit it. I've gotten some ideas and editing will commence over the summer!!!

Don't be disheartened though! I'm thinking about writing something as a treat for you guys that has to do with these two annoying hot heads! I'm thinking an epilogue and if you feel like rereading parts of this I will be adding more and more things!

Thanks for sticking around all 7 of you lol! This story was interesting and even though it barely even scrapes my writing talents (jk) I have a soft spot for it. Please leave your likes and comments below! I would love to know what you think and I am extremely sorry about the length I just could think of anything else to put in here.


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