Ch.18 School Skipper

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Soo yeah ok well I'm obsessed with Fanfiction about Harry and Niall so oops

yeah I'm a Narry girl so go find the story: Fanboy [NARRY] by @TheWayYouLookTonight because this story is perf and she's perf ok? ok.


PS * It has come to my attention that I accidentally started calling Claire's younger brother Buddy because I was thinking of the actual actor I have playing him I am sorry and will change it soon.***


"Claire bear, can you take me to school today?" Aiden asked all cute and innocent like. His Puppy dog face; though adorable, just wasn't working on my bad mood today.

"Aiden." My mom warned. Yeah even my mom understood I wasn't the happiest person right now. Though I'm sure she just wanted to rub it in my face with all the 'I told you so's' but she was letting me go. I think she understood my dilemma and that I just wanted to think things through. No I didn't break up with Zac, I'm just torn over what I should do about his forgetting about my birthday and deciding to hang out with his friends all weekend and not telling anyone where he was. To say the least, I was just worried, like any normal girlfriend would be. His dad called me around midnight when we were getting back from Benni Hanna's that he'd just gotten in, but he was extremely high and would be getting in extreme trouble. I think it's safe to say that Zac wouldn't be coming to school today, though if he did I didn't know what I wanted to do about it. I was scared to think I just might break up with him over something as trivial as this. I just don't know anymore. Maybe I'm just being stupid worrying about this, but he was a player before we started going out. I have no idea if he could change to his old ways again.

"Claire don't worry I will take him." She smiled saving me from my thoughts.

"Thanks." I smiled back, though it didn't exactly reach my eyes. I grabbed a granola bar off the counter and headed outside to jump in my car. It was a little early yet, but I had a feeling that I should just leave already.


"Claire?" I heard someone call my name. I'd been in the library since the school doors opened. Like I said, it was a little too early to have left home (about an hour), but I needed to get out and think to myself. The doors only opened about 20 minutes ago and I'd been reading a Stephen King novel in the library since then.

I looked up to search for the person who belonged to the voice I heared call my name. When I didn't see anyone I slowly went back to reading the novel, slightly spooked. Maybe I should stop reading these stories for a bit, they mess with my mind.

"Claire." I heard yet again, this time causing me to get up and spin around. Again nothing. I decided to look down each of the book aisles and see if someone was hiding and trying to mess with me. Im sure it was Sam and Erik trying to have a fun time because they're mean and like to do things like this to me, but I can assure you that today is not one of those days where I will give in to their tricks!

I started walking and looking down the aisles until I came upon one of the nonfiction aisles and someone grabbed me. My eyes widened and I started struggling. I would have started screaming rape too, if they hadn't promptly told me to shush and showed who they were, I probably would've ran for the hills.

"Adam!" I glared. "What the heck are you doing???" I hit his arm earning an ouch.

"I'm supposed to be in the ISA room." He rolled his eyes while explaining and rubbing his arm. "So I'm not supposed to be showing up around here. Buuuuut I have something for you." He handed me a gift wrapped box.

It was really long in height but width wise was really small. I studied it for a long time until he groaned and told me to open it already. So I did just that.

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