Ch.11 Let It Roll

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Yep I'm a horrible writer so if my story doesn't get atleast 10 likes on this chapter I think I'll give up because apparently like I said I'm not a good writer. Thanks to those certain people that discouraged me. Don't worry though I'm not going to give your name(s) to anyone. I'm just really mad that some people could be so rude. I mean the things that they say really only come across telling me I'm not good enough. So whatever I know I shouldn't let them get to me but it's been going on practically ever since I started. It annoys me that some people don't understand other people's feelings. Please just stop trying to dictate my writing because I will do as I please.

(Rant over)

Oh I'd like to thank the people that have been there though and give me good feedback and stuff like that. your the only reason I write.


"Claire! Wait up!" Called Zac. I turned around to find him chasing after me. He had a look of determination on his face, he really wanted to get what he had on his mind, out to me. I don't know why, but this just made me over curious.

"5 seconds." I said and crossed my arms.

"Did you get the letter?" He asked expectantly. He was searching my neck for some reason, but soon looked up slightly defeated.

"No." I said. Why and how would he know about the letter.

"Go do it now." He said and turned me around. He pushed me forward, towards my locker only to be stopped by my unwilling self.

"I don't want too." I said stubbornly and got out of his way. When in reality that envelope was all that was on my mind, same for the note card that came with the bouquet. "Your 5 seconds are up." I told him and kept walking down the hallway.

He wasn't going to give up so easily though, "Please Claire?"

"Why should I? All you ever do is piss me off or get me in trouble." I said spinning on my heel to look at him again. Honestly I didn't need this, but I wanted to give him a chance. Part of me longed to give him a chance, the other wanted to smack him in disgust.

"Because it will explain everything." He was begging me with his eyes. "Please."

"Ugh." I groaned, "Fine." I can't believe I'm doing this. He smiled brightly, thanking me with that smile. How had I never noticed it's adorableness before now, or the perfectness. I started to head down the hallway again, with him following behind like an excited puppy. I got to my locker and spun the lock ever so slowly. When I opened it I let out a breath I hadn't known I'd been holding this whole time. I took the little envelope out remembering the odd weight to it.

"Seriously what did you put in it?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Hurry and open so you can see." he pushed. I tore it open not very neatly either, I was starting to become impatient with myself as well so I had to go fast. The letter fluttered to the ground so I picked it up and starte to read it. A hand written note was inside, for some odd reason I started to smile as I read.

Dear Claire,

Once upon a time there was a beautiful damsel in distress. She was very sad because she felt no one loved her, but someone very much did love her, he hid because he was scared that she would one day find out his true identity, but he was a fool for believing he could hide from her. She captured the heart of this hidden man, and it seemed he did the same to hers. One day their love was put to the test and the damsel found his true identity. She was scared and pushed him away, she still held his heart and always would no matter what. The man wishes things could have turned out differently, he promises he would do anything to get her to tell him she loved him again.

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