Ch.8 Stars or Scars?

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ok soooo I'm like getting annoyed with school and I only have a few weeks left

My newest favorite song right now though is definitely Mess by get scared imma try to get a link up of a video for it soon.

Anyway I'm going to get on with ch.8 now the sooner I get this story over with I'll be able to start the next one lol.


The next few days I tried my hardest to stay away from Zac, and any of his numbskull friends. Though the tough part was remembering I had a photography project due with him. Photography class was a disaster when it came to that. I'd been communicating only with Miss. Gardener. I'd been staying away from Zac even if he got in my business everytime I turned around. Erik was helping as well with no communication by communicating any problems with Zac for me, but I could tell he wasn't happy with being the messenger. To be honest I even called myself a 5 year old.

"Claire how come you won't talk to me?" Zac asked. Interesting as it sounds we were under the big tree he'd taken that picture of me under before. Miss. Gardener had told us to break up into partners and made Zac and I start working together.

"You know why." I muttered keeping my eyes downcast.

"Oh come on Claire, what ever happened to the Claire I knew who wouldn't ever let anything get to her?" He pulled my chin up by his finger and stared me straight in the eyes. His blue eyes looked so sad and scared I wanted to just give up because of them.

"The Claire you see is that Claire." I narrowed my eyes and pulled away from him. "Forget what happened last week because I did."

"I can't." He stated as he stood up.

"Fine then you don't know what you'd gotten yourself into." I shrugged and stood up as well. He held out his hand for me to take, but all I could do was give him a nasty look at walk away.

When I got back into the room Miss. Gardener looked up to see me an she smiled. "Have you and Zac found anything yet?" She asked me.

"Err no....." I looked down ashamed. I was letting his immatureness get in the way of one of my favourite things in life, "Sorry."

"It's alright you'll find your inspiration soon enough, I know you will." She smiled at me as I took my seat. Zac walked in and Miss. Gardener beamed at him as well. Maybe she could believe we were good friends and had fun working on this project, but I couldn't. I sat there glowering for the next 10 minutes.

"Claire." Someone whispered and poked me in the back with their pencil. I spun around to see Adam staring at me.

"What do you want?" I glared at him. When had he gotten back from being outside anyway? Did he follow us or something?

"Geez I just wanted to talk to you." he held up his hands in surrender.

"Fine fine just hurry up." I sighed. I never had really liked Adam, he was hyper and uncontrolling most of the time. Plus he is friends with Zac, so why would I.

"Claire I know about you and Zac, I've known for a while now." He smiled thoughtfully. "I guess what I'm trying to say is Zac likes you a lot and even though he did act like a two year old with his 'eww girl' from the beginning, he has always liked you."

"Good to know." I rolled my eyes. He was searching my face for something and I didn't like it how he was doing that. Waaaaaiiiiiit had he just said he knew about this the whole time?

"Claire you can stop acting around me then." He shrugged. That got me laughing, when in this world was I ever acting like I hated Zac? I mean come on he's a jerk that I can't stand to have around for more than 10 seconds.

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