Ch.7 A Day of Sickness

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Soooooooooooooooooooo I'm watching Arthur right now and it's hilarious

Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuut I just wanted to say I hated the last chapter, and I hope this one is much better

Annnnnnnnnnnnnd I feel like I'm mistaken with thinking I'm an ok writer


Two days later I was sitting in my bed coughing heavily. I got stuck with a cold not pneumonia which just makes me mad. Aiden has been helping me since he and Erik had found me Thursday night, shivering and alone. I was still hoarse from screaming into the sky so I'd been drinking a bunch of chamomile tea and honey. Erik checks on me every once in a while, he brought my homework to school and gave me my homework on Friday. At least I got what I wanted, I didn't have to see his face Friday.

Aiden walked in the door, holding a new cup of tea and 2 Tylenol in his hand. He looked like he'd just woken up, all bleary eyed and sluggish. "Thanks Buddy." I smiled at him as he handed me the medicine. I took a swig and dropped the pills into my mouth.

"Your welcome." He yawned. "Erik is coming soon so he can make you cereal." He added.

"Aiden you know I'm able to walk right?" I asked.

"Yah but I wanna help since your always helping me when I'm sick." He smiled his innocent smile. The one that tells me he still has plenty years to go until he has to worry about hearts breaking.

"Thanks Aiden." I smiled half heartedly at him, cuz I couldn't be completely happy.

"I have to go now, Mama said she'd take me to baxton's house." He jumped up from his spot on the floor by my bed. "Erik will look after you, I promise." His big cheeky grin was on his face as he slipped out the door. I had a coughing fit as soon as I sat up straight in the bed. I grabbed my laptop, wanting to check if I have any emails or anything before Erik got here. Sometimes he can be just a little bit too nosy.

I was going through my messages and emails that had accumulated since the last time I checked them. When one in particular caught my eye, it was from him of all people, I didn't really feel like opening it, because I probably knew what he had to say. My god just last week I was in hiding, the only people who actually knew my name hated me. But now the guy I swore was my worst enemy is now telling me he's been in love with me for 2 years. It's all so new to me I really don't know what to do, which is why I freaked out on him Thursday.

A knock at my door sent me making my choice of deleting the message. "Come in.....I guess." I spoke to whoever was at the door, probably Erik anyway. I looked up as I turned the computer off, Erik was standing there in a gray hoodie, and dark blue jeans the best part was he had on an apron that said 'Kiss the Cook'. He had a blue bowl in his hands with steaming broth inside of it, the funny thing was he looked like a housewife.

"Cute." I roll my eyes at him. Holding my hands out for the bowl, he hands it to me and places a napkin and spoon beside the bowl in my lap.

"I know right? But I have a serious question for you." He gave me a serious look.

"Shoot." I say, letting him know I'm all ears.

"Does this apron make me look fat?" He crosses his arms like he's trying to hide something from me and has a scared look on his face.

"Oh my gosh Erik your an idiot." I laugh at him. I blow on the soup hoping it'll cool down slightly.

"What? I'm not joking does it?" He gave me a worried look, "It does doesn't it? Oh no I'm gonna die." he started babbling about how he'd die because of it making him look fat. All the while I tuned him out and ate my soup. But he got so whiney that after a while I had to tell him to shut up, I mean not every girl is as

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