Characters (DONT READ)

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******** DONT READ THIS PLEASE ITS COMPLETELY WRONG FROM WHERE I WAS GOING SORRY******* Ok here are the characters of this story that I'm starting out I'm hoping to start it as soon as I get my 3rd ch. of her knight in shining armor up. but it's about a girl who finds out the guy she's in love with over the Internet is actually her biggest bully and the biggest player at school hope you enjoy


(portrayed by taylor swift) Claire Thompson- told in her POV she's 17 and a senior. She moved from Tennessee to Baltimore Maryland when she was five. She still has a slight accent but it's able to be hidden more easily now. She has a 6 year old brother who is like her best friend. She has golden blonde curly hair that reaches past her shoulders. She is 5'9" and has light blue eyes that are hidden by thick black framed glasses. She's very shy and likes things plain and simple also very down to earth. She thinks more about others than herself and loves animals. She doesn't really have any friends but more like aquintances. She can play the guitar and sings exceptionally well.

(portrayed by Alex Pettyfer) Zac Meyer- 18 senior. He's the bad boy of the school the player. He's egotistical and narsassisstic (spelled wrong I think). He's a total jerk when he's with his friends and around other people, but when he's around certain people and when he's alone he's a great guy (when he wants to be). He has the slightly messy 'skater' blonde hair and great green eyes. He is 5'10" and has a great smile. He loves to play videogames when he has time but his time is usually consumed with football practice.

(portrayed by Jack Barakat) Adam Grey- 18 and a senior. He's Zac's best friend and just as much of a player as him. He is a total jerk all the time unlike Zac. He has dark brown hair and chocolaty brown eyes. He is 6'0" and sometimes lies about how tall he is so he seems taller. He has a sister her name is May and she's 21. He plays the guitar and he is atheist. He also is anemic so his skin is tinted quite pale.

These are the main people of this story and Claire's mom will be in here a lot too

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