Ch.17 Regret

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Ooooooh what do you think the chapter title means?!?!?

All I can tell you is that this takes place right after the party and the day after the party was suppose to be Claire's birthday dinner! lol

~Ash :)


Ok for the people who didn't read last Chapter because of the little over PG-13 stuff here is a summary.

So Adam came over to Zac's house and started teasing him about not spending enough time with his friends. He ended up convincing Zac to go with them on the Dylan's boat who just so happens to he one of their friends. He also convinced him to leave his phone so he wouldn't be tempted to call Claire. Claire was out shopping with her mom for bridesmaids dresses since her mom was finally getting married to Erik's dad. They started to talk about Zac and how he should see her in her dress. Claire's mom freaks out cuz ya know she thinks Claire will turn out like her and date all the bad guys and be screwed over. So then Claire and Erik devise a plan that Zac can show her he is a great guy since Claire's bday is the next day and he had been invited to dinner. Zac and his Friends were having a good time as well and while on the boat they came across a party boat full of high schoolers from their school so they ended up joining in the fun and let's just say no matter how much he tried to stay sober for Claire he didn't do a good job. In the end Zac got totally wasted and high and ended up blacking out. That's about all that really happened.

**** ZAC's POV

Bam bam bam. I woke up to a constant banging. My head seemed to repeat it easily what with my hangover and all. Bam bam bam. There it went again, I groaned and rolled over on my stomach, too tired to move. I grabbed for my pillow to put over my head but then I felt the scratchy fiber of the rug underneath me. Another loud sequence of bangs came along and had me jumping up and examining where I was. Somehow I managed to get back to Dylan's boat in one piece it seemed. Though the good question is how cause I thought I blacked out at the other boat. I remember all the way up to taking the bong from Lisa's friend and that's about it. I looked around again for the source of the banging but when I found nothing I decided to investigate the deck. I climbed the 5 stairs ever so slowly to get up top, because I felt nauseated like I never felt before. When the fresh salty air hit me I gave up on holding it and ran straight for the edge, puking my guts out.

I heard a laugh come from my right. "Wow, you sure don't look alright." Adam stated the obvious.

"Thanks captain obvious." I rolled my eyes.

"You're welcome." He handed me some painkillers and I swallowed them dry. "You realize it's like 2 pm and we already got to the docks right."

"Obviously I wouldn't since I was sleeping still." I rolled my eyes again wincing from my headache.

"Well, listen the rest of the guys got up and had their episodes this morning so they all went down to that diner about 5 minutes away. They told me to wake you up and get down there as fast as we could." He explained.

"Ok," I sighed and got up slowly. I'm pretty sure I'm the one who got hammered the most. I don't know why but just taking one can of alcohol seemed to spark a revolution. I just couldn't say no after that one and then there were the drugs. God, I'm screwed. Claire will find out and breakup with me for good, I just know it.

"You ok?" Adam seemed to sense my unease, because he grabbed my shoulder and made me stop walking so I could talk.

"No I'm not. Claire is probably gonna kill me when she finds out." I answered truthfully.

"Then she just won't find out." He shrugged matter of factly.

"Of course she will. I always tell her everything. I could never lie to her." I sighed and stared down at the rocky ground. I kicked a stone far and it ended up hitting a truck's tire down the road.

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