Ch.6// Determination

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Rich's POV
"And you're going to my party right?" Jake asked me. I punched his arm.
"Heck ya! Why wouldn't I?"
News flash. The electronic ringing filled my brain and I winced.

Y/N Heere is now 31 more popular.
I froze. W-what?
Y/N Heere is now 31% more popular.
He relayed in the same monotone, Siri voice. I couldn't believe what he was saying though.
I pulled down my sleeve, staring at her name.
Does that mean she's suitable to date?
It means we have a chance.
I nodded and rounded the corner, watching
Y/N and her brother approach.

Wait, I thought you said she'd be 62% more popular? Why only 31?
Some people are not as open to change as you and Jeremy.
I nodded. She didn't need to change. She was-
Yes she does Rich. Everyone could use change. Change is good! You need to stop being so vexatious and realize that.
I sighed and nodded, plastering on a fake smile.

Don't approach her yet, keep distance.
But- For now. Relax.
"Hey man lets get to Biology." Jake tapped on my shoulder. I tried to move but I found myself staring at Y/N, unable to rip my gaze away.
I think I was too visibly swooning though, because soon I got a sharp zap! in the base of my skull.
Quit it and walk.
I turned around, rubbing my neck and Jake was smirking at me.

"What?" I snapped.
He just kept smiling and shrugged.
"I think you like someone." He nudged.
I swatted his arm away and grumbled.
"Shut up." I frowned. Jake snickered more.
"Come on, who is it?" He peered down the hall in search of the person I was so... visibly swooning over.

What should I say?
Just tell him not to worry about it.
"Don't worry about it."

*time skip*

I was walking down the hallway, looking for Jeremy, but instead found a very hurt looking Michael stalking towards the door.
I placed a hand in front him, stopping him.
"Wait wait wait, Michael what's wrong? Where are you going?"
He huffed and pushed my arm down.

I pressed further, not letting him pass.
He ripped his gaze from the door, and stared down at me, his eyes filled with rage, maybe sadness. I raised an eyebrow in question, to get him to start talking.

He pushed his glasses up with his index finger and sighed deeply.
"It worked." He mumbled. I was confused.
"The Squip. It worked."
I let go of my grip on him and gasped in realization. It made so much sense now.
That's why he's been acting so weird, and kinda like a douchebag.

"Oh my god... well what's wrong? Why are you upset?" I asked him, clearly noticing that his anger was highlighted with clarity.
"He just... he ditched me! He completely ignored my existence and left!"
He furrowed his eyebrows and I sighed, rubbing up and down his arm reassuringly.
"Michael, it's going to be okay. We just need to talk him into getting rid of that thing. I don't think it's as awesome as we previously planned."

He rolled his eyes and scoffed. "No duh."
Just then I saw him rounding the corner with his "popular friends" and grimaced.
We've always detested those people. Well, I know I did. I guess he just envied them.
"Let's go get that thing out of my brother than."
Michael finally smiled at that, and we ran towards the front door of the school.
The bar was set to not anger now, but determination.

Determination to help Jeremy.


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