Ch.13// Bonding or Whatever

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Art comes from
I just made some small tweaks

Jeremy's POV
This was an incredibly awkward situation. Me, sitting in a hospital bed, next to Rich, whom I've not been the nicest to as of late.

Also, my skin was littered with burn scars, causing myself to itch and scratch with anxiety.
"What's up?" He has asked to speak with me alone, and I still wasn't entirely happy with the fact he was dating my little sister.

"I... I just wanted to thay, I'm thorry." He mumbled. I couldn't help but glance at him.
He was sorry? I had been so cruel, and had no excuse. Well... other than the manipulating computer in my brain.
"I would have totally come to you before I tharted dating Y/N, but... you were kinda... you know." He wrung his hands painfully tight, and I scratched my scar, just above my right elbow.

"I know. I get it."
The silence in the room was suffocating, and I gulped, clawing at my brain for something to say.
"Tho... Y/N wath thinking we could try... getting along better." He cleared his throat.

"Yah... yah that sounds like her." I nodded, peeking out the window of the door. She was wobbling on her crutches, trying to peek through the window. When she saw me looking at her, she dropped, trying to hide.
I almost giggled.

But it hurt too much to see her on those crutches. I had done this to her, she hurt herself trying to save me.
I sighed, releasing my grip on my elbow and looking down at Rich.

"Sure, let's 'get to know each other' or whatever. For Y/N." I gulped.
He subtly smiled and let go of his hands.
"C-Cool. I wath thinking maybe, would you mind coming to the mall with me? I want to get Y/N thomething, for everything that'th happened. Of all people, I athume you'd know the betht thing to get her."
That... was actually pretty nice.

"Sure. I'll help you." I nodded.
He laughed and jumped up, raising his hand into the air.
I smiled, slightly amused, and slapped his hand. The expression he held could not be any giddier.

He walked to the door, pausing with his fingers on the handle. He turned around, smiling.
"Thankth Jeremy. For everything."
I nodded, scratching my elbow, and he opened the door. When he did so, Y/N fell forward into his arms, her hand cupped around her ear.
Her eyes darted between me and Rich, and it was obvious she was listening to our conversation.
"Heh. Hey." She squeaked, scrambling to stand up.

"Well... you two make-up?" She leaned against the door frame, and Rich simply looked back at me, most likely for approval.
"Yes. Yes we did."
Y/N yipped and wrapped her arms around him, pecking his lips. I held back a gag.
As much as I loved seeing her so happy... again, this would take a lot of getting used to.

*time skip*

Rich's POV
"What about thith?" I pulled a game off the shelf, reading over the box. He shook his head.
"No, she doesn't like that one. Always go with (f/game), the new one just came out and it's her favorite game." Jer and I were scanning the game isle of Spencer's.

I nodded and reached towards the bottom, picking it up. We had gotten her (f/game) and  a (f/band) shirt, and I walked up to the counter to check out.
"So, why did you and Liz get together anyway?"
I smiled and looked down, tracing my wrist with Y/N name on it.

"I... don't really know. It jutht kind of happened when I wath helping her in the art room one day, and after we got our tattooth, we got together."
I remembered it vividly, and it made my heart swell with happiness.

"So... you just, went for it?" We started walking out of the store, and walked to the food court.
"I mean... yah. Why?"
His cheeks flushed and he scratched his arm through his cardigan.
"N-no reason."
I raised an eyebrow, staring him down, and he rolled his eyes.

"Fine, I just... You're really good at this stuff and I need some relationship advice."
I smiled gleefully and we got in line at Sbarro.
"How can I help?" I laughed, slapping his back.

He smiled nervously, standing up straighter.
"Well... I really like Christine, and I never got the chance to talk to her much, since I was in the hospital. But, she visited me a couple times and... I really like her." He sighed.
I nodded and thought.

"Well, have you jutht... talked to her? Told her your feelingth?"
He shook his head 'no'.
I chuckled. "Well, why don't you try that firtht?"
He seemingly winced, but scratched his elbow and nodded.
"Yah, yah okay. I'll do that. But... I don't know that seems so simple. Don't you have like a magic trick or something? You get like, every girl!"

I laughed.
"Well, I had a thupercomputer in my head, tho that made it eathy." I laughed.
He snorted. "Well yah but, so did I. And you still got more girls than me."
"Well I had mine for two yearth though."
"Oh yeah."
"Altho, you didn't want the girlth you hit on dude. You wanted Chrith-thti-Chritht- you know what I mean."
He nodded, smirking slightly.

"You know what, I'm happy we came here today." He smiled.
"Me too. Thankth for being tho cool with all thith dude."
He pat my shoulder. "You too. Now..."
He stepped to the counter, slapping his hands down.
"Chili fries!"

Me just casually updating after over a week.
My bad. I've been a little busy, with the holidays and all.

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