Ch.12// Nothing Comes Easily

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Rich's POV
The searing pain, all through my head. Ouch.
The awful light, tearing through my eyelids certainly didn't help.
I don't think I've ever had a headache this bad.

When my vision finally adjusted, I saw the bright white medical room and all it's glory.
I really hated hospital rooms.
Can you help with this headache dude?
No response. Shear silence.
Hello? Can you...
Then it hit me. I drank Mountain Dew Red.

It was gone. That god awful, stress inducing, life destroying, world conquering Squip was gone.
I rubbed my temples, squeezing my eyes. It was like a part of me was missing, like I was completely alone now. Free to make my own decisions. I could think for myself now.
My eyes popped open.

Jake was standing there, a wide grin, hands in his pockets.
"Jake!" I whispered, and he walked to my bedside, wrapping his arms around me.
"Oh my god you're okay! I was so worried after the fire." His voice sounded giddy, but I pulled away and stared at him.

"Wait... Fire?" My voice trembled more than I would have liked.
"Yah, you... you didn't see it? Jer set a fire, and he burned down the house." He mumbled, He expression kind of unreadable.
I was speechless. Was he okay? What happened?

"I... ith he okay?" I was as shocked as Jake looked.
"Was that a lisp?" He asked.
I nodded, almost feeling a smirk slip. It was like when you held a secret, for so long it was unbearable, and then finally letting it go. It felt so good.
He broke out into a laugh, hugging harder.

"Well uh... Y/N told me all about Squip. Pretty... intense stuff." He trailed off.
"Ith thee okay? Where is Y/N?"
Now his expression dropped.
"I should probably let you know she-"
The door flew open.
"Rich!" She shouted, standing there in excitement. Well, sort of standing, and my heart dropped into my stomach.
She had cast on both her legs, and long crutches keeping her up.

"Y-Y/N? Are you okay, what happened?"
She looked ecstatic, and hobbled over to where I was. I jumped out of bed, running to help her.
She dropped the crutches and fell forward, wrapping her arms around me and laughing with joy, and tears brimming her eyes.
"Oh my god you're okay! Rich I'm so... so sorry." She whispered.
"What? What are you thorry for?"
"For making you drink that. I thought... I hurt you and I'm sorry." She clung to me tighter.

"Y/N, you helped me, you thaved me."
She leaned back, raising an eyebrow.
"Is that a lisp?"
"Jutht... don't athk."
She laughed and pressed her lips to mine, making me flinch in excitement. It was perfect.
I held her by the waist, pulling her up so her feet weren't dragging against the floor.
My lips felt like they melted into her's and a embarrassing, quiet whimper slipped from my lips.

She pulled away and rested her head on my shoulder, squeezing me tightly.
"So what happened to you?" I mumbled into her shoulder. Her shoulders were rigid, then.
"Um, I went back... into the house. To save Jeremy." She whispered, hobbling back and trying to lean down to grab her crutches.
I picked her up by the waist and helped her to the couch by the door, turning back to grab her crutches.

"Well... that wath very brave of you." I smiled, kissing her forehead.
She teared up, frowning.
"I don't care about that, but... he's still not awake. I don't know when he'll wake up."
She sniffled. I wiped away a tear with my thumb.
"It'll be okay. I'll be here for you, the whole time." I promised her. She looked somewhat relieved, and brought her hand to my wrist, tracing her name with her finger.

"Good, because you're never, ever getting rid of me." She smiled. There there was a chortle.
I turned my gaze and Jake was sitting on the edge of my hospital bed, watching us like he was watching puppies.
"You guys are so cute!" He awed, and I picked up a throw pillow, tossing it at his head.

"He's not wrong." Y/N smiled, pecking my cheek. I side hugged her and glanced back at the door.
"Want to go?" I asked. She laughed.
"We can't yet. We have to-"
"I don't care. I wanna be with you. Let's get out of here."

She smirked and grabbed her crutches, trying to jump up. I shook my head and grabbed her crutches in one arm, and picked her up with the other making her shriek adorably.
"Let's go." I walked out and could hear Jake cracking up behind me.

We (I) ran to the elevators and she slapped the lobby button, sending the big metal box shooting down.
The second the doors opened I sprinted as fast as I could, pushing Y/N backwards so she could ride on my back easier.
The warmth of her arms around my neck made me smile and her joyful laughs made my heart tingle.

We ran as fast as we could out the doors of the hospital. The big room full of misery and sick people. Forgetting all the terrible things that have happened, cause right now all that mattered was Y/N.

She saved me from my Squip.
She made me feel happy.
She was like the weight off my shoulders.
I would never be this happy with anyone else.


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