Ch.7// The Closet

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Plot suggestions by @Cloudlx

I walked into school, gripping my book bag strap like my life depended on it. Jeremy had left this morning without me, apparently got a ride from Brooke Lohst.
Brooke really is Lohst. Like, all the time.

I saw Jeremy from across the hall, and furrowed my eyebrows making a beeline for him. I had some things to say to him. Just bec-
A hand grabbed my arm, yanking me hard in the opposite direction I was heading.

I was yanked into a dark room, where there was heavy breathing, and the door slammed shut. "Who-?"
A light switch flicked and revealed, Rich.
He was breathing frantically and he looked worried.
"Y/N, I have to talk to you." He told me.
"Why?" I asked, trying to step around him.

He stood in front of me preventing me from walking. He pressed his pointer finger to his temple, and whispered, "This is why."
Then he rolled his sleeve up, revealing his tattoo.
"And this." My name, in neat cursive.

My face heated up slightly and he smiled.
"Why do you want to talk to me? Don't you have popular friends or something?"
I... regretfully haven't been paying much attention to him. I've been very worried about Jeremy.
"Well... they don't know about Squips."
I froze.
"How do you know I know?"
"I talked your brother into one."
Oh yah.

Meanwhile outside:
Dustin was walking past the janitor's closet, and sees Rich pull Jeremy's sister in. Smirking, he snaps a metal pencil end into the lock, locking the door from the outside. Hilarious.

"Well, talk fast then because it reeks in here."
I grumbled, kicking an empty bucket over. He frowned.
"I just wanted to tell you sorry. I'm sorry I've been acting so hot/cold, I've been such a jerk."
I nodded. "Yah I know."
He nodded too.

"But it's because of the Squip."
I rolled my eyes. "Just don't listen to it!"
He bit his lip and looked down.
"It doesn't, exactly... work like that."
I scoffed.

"Well let me know when you figure out how it does work."
I reached past him to open the door, and the knob was stuck. I tried clicking the lock, but the knob still wouldn't budge.
"I think... we're stuck in here." I sighed, leaning forward and letting my forehead hit the door in aggravation.

I turned around and sat down on the floor.
"Can I ask you something?" I said.
He sat down on the floor in front of me, resting his chin in his palm.
"Why did you kiss me? That day in the art room?"
He smirked. "Why did you kiss me?"

"Fair point." We sat in silence once again, but it was a comfortable silence. Like we finally had time to breathe. It was nice.
I shut my eyes and took a long breath, only to open them and see Rich standing up.
"What are you doing?"
He shrugged.
"Messing with stuff."

I rolled my eyes and stood up too.
He pulled out a bottle of ammonia, and some powdered disinfectant.
"Why is your Squip not freaking out right now then?" I asked him.
He shrugged. "I may have... had a shot or two with breakfast."

"What? Why?" He uncapped the ammonia and poured some into the bucket I had kicked to the floor.
"It deactivates it temporarily."
Good to know.
He sprinkled some cleaning powder into the bucket, and I heard a faint sizzling noise.
When I peeked in, the combination liquids were bubbling and fizzing, I smiled.
"What was that?" I asked.

He smiled too, swishing the bucket around to cause more foaming.
"It was just a regular CO2 rich mixture, forming the release of gas in bubbles due to hy-"
As he ranted about chemical mixtures, I noted the way he talks.
When he was excited, he spoke a lot with his hands, and he had really prolonged blinking.
Once he was finished he poured what was left into a half empty spray bottle and stuck it back on a shelf.
"Good luck cleaning with that." He laughed.

*time skip*

I was leaning against the door, and Rich and I were joking about Michael.
"Wait, you call him what?" I giggled.
"...anti-social headphones kid?"
I burst out laughing again, wiping funny tears from the corners of my eyes. That described him perfectly.

"Well, his name is Michael. And he really is sweet once you get to know him." I smiled.
Rich shrugged. "Well he should talk every once in a while."
"How about you don't shove him into lockers every once in a while?"
His smile dropped and he shoved his hands deep into his pockets.

"Yah, my bad." He laughed awkwardly.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean-"
"No, it's fine."
I huffed, crossing my arms and leaning my back up against the door. I forgot how long it had been, but we'd been in here a while, and I was starting to hear kids parading the halls for the millionth time so I assumed it was some time around lunch to last block.

"The student body is just a collective of prison inmates with raging hormones." I banged my head against the the door.
Rich laughed. "What?"
"Just... never-mind."

I sat there staring at him, with his confused smile plastered on his face.
"You know, I'm glad you're my soulmate." I said, smiling at his sincerity he'd finally shown me today.
His face tinted pink and he dragged his foot across the ground.
"Yah... I'm glad you're mine."
He stepped closer, holding my arms with his hands.

His hair swayed in front of his face, with various strands of red and blonde just above his brown eyes. He scanned my face, and his eyes dropped down to my lips.
"Can I..." He didn't finish that sentence, but instead starting leaning in, snaking his arms around to my waist.
I watched in astonishment and my breath hitched.

Right before his lips touched mine, the door clicked and I fell backwards, Rich on top of me.
I looked up and the fluorescent lights blinded me.
There stood a silhouette, a very tall silhouette.

I pushed Rich off of me and stood up, brushing myself off and clearing my throat awkwardly, trying to ignore the raging blush on my face.
"What the hell were you two doing?!" He yelled, not in the usual way he did, but much more angry.
He crossed his arms and puffed his chest out, making my fists clench.
"Nothing! It's none of your business!" I snapped, pushing him with my index finger.

He growled and held my wrist.
"You watch it. I don't want to see you messing around with him again, got it?"
I turned around and Rich was fuming.
"No. Y/N, you leave. You leave and don't come back." He seethed, pulling me closer to him.
"You're not going to ruin this for me."
Was the last thing he uttered before throwing me down and stalking off.

I watched the geeky, hilarious boy I used to know.
One of my best friends.
My brother.
Gone to a computer.
And now he wants me gone.
Well, shit!


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