Chapter 16

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Seiji was frustrated every time he remembered, he wanted to burst out of the hotel that night and meet up with Tsuya,

He needs to know who and what is Tsuya parents, he is desperate this time after seeing that paper. He tried to be normal but couldn't help to fidget a bit, even his friends took notice of it,

His own birth certificate... How is it possible..?

Krista looked worriedly at him, "Seijicchi... You okey?" She asked, then Seiji snapped pit of his stance, he shook his head and smiled at Seiji,

"Yes, I'm okey." He answered, then Shino huffed at him,

"After meeting with Kuroko-san, he's not." Shino said and Seiji put down his head in shame and guilty.

Dazai looked worried together with Taki, they paused at their fighting after seeing their friends, Kurumi was whispering secretly at Mikiku who was giggling a bit, then pointed out Seiji who was looking troubled.

Seiji groaned and said, "I do think I do have an idea who my other parent are,"

Krista gaped, "Wait! Really?! After meeting up with pretty boy you already got answer!?" She stand up just to follow her instinct to her shock, Shino choked some rice in his throat together with Dazai, Taki just stared at him and said, "Congrat."

Seiji looked at them in eyes running every second to them, "Not to Tsuya; Father is..." Seiji eyes darkened, "But, it's seems impossible to happen.."

No one dared to talk for a minute,

The black glow still continued as the gloom emotions has raised,

Seiji expression isn't something to joke with,


Every snap their head at the tone, and looked at the younger ones,

There's Kurumi trying to stop her tears and Mikiku hugging Kurumi with tears trying to stop at his eyes,

Then the sob was at its freedom,

"Hic... Sei-niichan," Sob. "Is.. hic, Really scary..." Kurumi start to sob in fear of his friend, Mikiku whimpered beside her, "Scary.. " He said,

Then every one panics and hushed at the two pacefullu, Seiji scrambled to his seat and walk to the two, "So—sorry, Oh please stop crying—"

The crying increases much dismay to the older child, Shino carried Kurumi at his arms while Krista does the same with Mikiku,

Seiji put his head again in shame, "Sorry, I didn't notice myself.." He said to his friends, Krista smiled and nodded in understanding and Shino just nod,

"Come on now, Seijicchi didn't mean it, he was just stressed out," Krista said it while patting Mikiku back and looking directly at Kurumi eyes,

The sobbing decreases and only hiccups were presented, Dazai sighed at it he looked at Seiji,

"You better have something to offer to let them forgive you completely," Dazai said it as he remember his past experience,

Seiji blink and tried to go near to Kurumi and make eye contact with her, "Hey.."

Kurumi pouted and frown at him and decided to hide herself into her brother arms, Seiji sweat at it, this will seem be harder than its looks,

Feeling a pity, Krista made up an idea, "Then, would you two forgive Seijicchi if he will be you model for today?"

Shino, Taki, and Dazai froze at it, since they were the member of victims of the children model,

That hit the button, Kurumi eyes sparkled and Mikiku looked at Seiji,

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2019 ⏰

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