Chapter 15

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Kagami looked at Seiji with a grin, "So you are the famous Seiji, eh, " He raised an eye brow at the red haired child, Seiji is suprised to saw a darkish red eyes in the older male.

He saw the older male with two colored hair, maroon and red, and his eye brow was slit in between, faming the dark red eyes that looks scary to Seiji opinion,

Seiji just ignore his opinion and just give a small smile to the older male, "Hello, I'm Akashi Seiji,"

The older male grin and shook the Seiji hands a bit roughly but with careful,

"Kagami Taiga," He said and he stand up to ruffle the red locks that Seiji possess, "You seems to be a little hard to persuade," He state and suddenly his whole face is covered in negative emotions,

"Just like you..." He muttered and Seiji blinked his eyes then Kagami just sighed and ruffled his hair,

"Should we get going,"

"Taiga," Akashi glared at him,

Despite the sweat running in Kagami forehead he greeted him. "Sup' Akashi,"

Tsuya woke up earlier than he expected, it was still dark and quite outside but sleep didn't devour him as always, he stood up to fetch himself a water.

Flinching at the feeling of the cold tiles underneath his feet, he gasped and grab his slippers, he wished he could sleep easily after this. While going to his destination,

He saw that the kitchen lights is already open,

Oh, his father is already awake, Tsuya glance at the clock in the living room and saw the current time, why his Papa is up earlier or rather, what is he doing?

He saw his back shaking while his hands covers the lips, he was talking. Tsuya though he was going sane.

Then he saw a flat object near at the ear of his father, oh it is a phone. Tsuya felt stupid for saying stupid for his father.

Tsuya eavesdropped on his father, but only heard a faint voices, on phone and voice.

"Yes, Kaga—Oups, my bad, so see you later, be careful on your way,"

Kuroko laugh lightly at their conversation, with Tsuya start leaning to the door to hear it more clearly,

Then, Kuroko saw on the silverware a outline of his child, listening to his conversation.

"—okey, I love you, just be careful." He said it, loud, quick and clear to Tsuya unprepared ears,

Tsuya gasp before he could close his mouth, as Kuroko turn his phone off be washed his hands and turned to Tsuya way,

"Isn't rude to listen to others conversation, Tsuya?" Kuroko questioned and like a suprise kitten, Tsuya jumps.

He peek at the door guilty, "Sorry.."

Kuroko sigh and smiled, "It's okey, just.. Don't do it again." He said and Tsuya returned it with a smile and nod, "You are sure up early today, its still not 6, you know."

Then, Kuroko goes back to his business at the sink,

Tsuya called all deity in Athens, Greece and everywhere to call a courage and pride.

"Who are you talking to or rather..." Tsuya asked,

Kuroko hummed and only tilt his head to Tsuya, he placed his finger to his mouth and said,

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