Chapter eleven: the truth.

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(Y/n) did not understand, she did not understand what she saw. For a split second the new building five guard had turned into a beautiful woman. She felt like the woman looked down into her heart when she looked at the cold bodied woman.
Too much was happening for her mind to register.
She focused on what she could, Inori was injured.
The young woman knew the boar guard needed help immediately, his arm was bleeding.
She pushed past the door she hid behind to get to the injured guard, she kneeled by him and put pressure on his wound to help stop the bleeding.
Images of a broken Shiro on the train tracks flashed through her mind as she assisted the guard.
"(Y/n)?, What are you doing out of the cell?," Inori asked with a slight groan as Samon also came up.

"Good work, supervisor.," the boar guard said to the monkey.
"Inori!," the supervisor of building five looked really worried about his subordinate, "Just what the hell happened?!"
"Just some stuff,." Inori said, "I thought I could do this on my own but... it was no good after all."
"Don't strain yourself Inori.", the female kneeling next to him said, "It looks like your arm was completely severed."
"Why... did you not say anything Inori? Why...," Samon spoke to the boar like guard, "It was because I hesitated."
"It's surprising to see you like this supervisor. So serious and down.," the boar spoke, "you kept worrying about your brother, and dashed around to do everything yourself to prove yourself. Enki has been doubted, I don't want to see anyone else stop believing in him. I don't want to see you look troubled anymore."
(Y/n) understood. Inori was trying to help, to deal with this situation so Samon would not have to. She held his arm to keep him comfortable.
"It is my fault. I went to Enki without telling you," Inori admitted to Samon, "I talked to him and asked him if he really did kill that inmate. His answer never changed, 'I killed that thing'. I wanted to deny that it happened even for just once, but he was made to be a criminal since he did not deny his actions. He sounded like he had given up, or he was fine with it. I did not want to believe it. I continued to question him and talk to him. I then told him about those inmates and miss Yukino, his cell was destroyed the next time I came to visit."
Samon and (y/n) listened to Inori as he spoke.

"He began to speak of disposing of them, the inmates. I'm sure that was Enki's truth.," the Sandy haired guard said, "I created the reason for his escape, I wanted to take responsibility for that now."
"You goddamn idiot!," Samon yelled, "Is that why you did all of this?! Don't make it all your fault! Don't shoulder everything on your own, your responsibilities are mine too!"
Samon's expression was a mix of concern, sadness and anger, "I'm your Superior aren't I?!"
(Y/n) looked to the guard that she usually saw as a pugnacious young man, she now saw someone who was in pain. He had believed in his incarnated brother when others belief dwindled, he was trying to be better. He was trying to be his idolized brother.
"I... never though you believed in my brother to this extent...," the supervisor said, "so... just leave everything to me this time."
Inori smiled a little and lowered his head, "You're too serious today supervisor, it's creepy. But I'm glad you got whatever it was off of your shoulders, you look better with that confident look."
the supervisor of building five got up and pushed back his orange and green hair.
"Inori, stay here with Yukino-san. Yukino, please take care of him. I'll go talk to my Aniki properly this time. Not as an inmate and guard, but as brothers. Because now I know I am not alone, there is no need to hesitate."
He smiled to them, "Because I believe in my brother."
(Y/n) nodded, "And we believe in both of you. Go do what you have to Samon-San."
The monkey guard ran off after that.

"Huh..," Inori said and leaned on the smaller female, "He actually became reliable."
"Inori. You better not be trying to be a pervert like this.," (y/n) said, "you're almost old enough to be my dad."
"I feel too much like crap to.," the boar like guard answered.
"Fine, just don't get used to this.," the female said and leaned back against the wall.
"He actually saved me. I used to work with a shady organization before he hired me.," Inori said, "I first thought it was because I was had a large frame. But he actually believed in me and wanted me. I thought duty and obligations were something from movies until then."
Inori lit up a cigarette and took a puff from it before he gave out and passed out from blood loss.
His head fell from on top of (y/n)'s to her lap.
"Just this once Inori. You kind of deserve it.," the female said and looked at the chaos around her.
The guard who now seemed to be possessed by the woman had Kiji and Kenshirou in some sort of cage.
The woman apologized for caging them, saying it was for a purpose.
She looked around, "this presence, it is getting closer."
Her voice was calm.

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