Chapter four: Shiro

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The cold wind whipped around a young woman, her hair was tied up by a bow that resembled a flower. She had on a shirt and skirt with legging underneath. The cold did not seem to bother her, she had already finished her homeschooling studies and decided she wanted to look around the area she moved to with her parents after they were transferred there. Her shoes tapped on the pavement as she made her way by a school, it was a sports based school and there were students out on the field practicing. One in particular caught her eye, a tall muscular boy with blue hair and Yellow eyes.
He was running laps with his friends as other onlookers were cheering.

He ran until it was time for him to take a break after the coach blew the whistle. The handsome blue haired male took his water bottle and sat down next to the fence, he got many compliments and high fives. The young man was finally left alone and he took a long drink from his water. He turned around and looked right at (y/n). The blue haired boy looked surprised. His eyes widened and his yellow irises looked right at her.
He was silent for a bit before smiling, "Hi there! I've never seen you around before, are you new here?"
The young yukinohana nodded her head and clutched the strap of her purse, the young man's presence felt warm. She was not allowed to be near warmth because of her illness.

"My name is Shiro. Nice to meet you.," the boy said and held out his hand to her, "What is your name?"
The female's heart started to beat faster, she hesitated and put her hand up to his on the fence. His hand was larger than hers and very warm.
"Wow, you're freezing. Come on, come inside so you can warm up.," He said with a smile, "I can ask the coach of you can stay."
"No. I am fine, the snow does not bother me.," (y/n) replied in a cold monotone.
"How about we go to a cafe or the arcade? It will be fun!," the boy said with a large grin.
He made her feel warm. Her cheeks were warm.
But it did not hurt like the other warmth did.

"Why are you acting so nice?," the young woman asked Shiro.
He looked down at her with a bit of a puzzled expression, "Why not? We're friends now."
"Friends?," the female asked.
His wide smile with his eyes closed made him look sweet, "Yep, you are my new friend! And we are going to have fun this afternoon!"
He looked behind him at the other boys who were calling his name and called back to them before turning to where the female used to be standing.
"Was that a snow spirit?," he asked himself, "She was cute."

(Y/n) walked down the street of the town she moved to, the smells of the restaurants and street food vendors made her stomach growl. They were all selling hot food though.
She heard yelling.
"Hey wait up!"
She turned and saw it was the boy from earlier, his cheeks and nose were pink from the cold. He still had that smile of his on.
"Hi again! I found you!," the bubbly boy said and stood next to the cold female, "Ready to have some fun?"
(Y/n) looked up at him with uninterested eyes, his own bright ones looked down at her.
"Why are you so determined to talk to me?," (y/n) asked, "I have nothing to give you."
"That is where you are wrong," Shiro smiled, "Your friendship and company. Plus a little bit of happiness."

The pale woman looked down as her cheeks went pink, she never talked to a boy like this. He was so friendly and the only boy she had talked to outside of family.
"I never got your name.," he said, "May I know your name?"
(Y/n) looked back up into those eyes, they used to be frightening eyes but now looked friendly.
"(Y/n) Yukinohana.," the cold bodied teenage girl said and her hand caught by his.
He gripped her hand gently, "How about I call you Yuki? You are pretty like the freshly fallen snow."
His hand was so warm. He was warm.
"How about I show you around?,"Shiro offered, "You are new here after all."
The young woman nodded and followed him through the town, he was showing her all of the best places he knew.
"How about we go inside the cafe and warm up Yuki?," the young man asked, "We can get something to eat."
(Y/n) shook her head and that made him puzzled, "Why not?"
"I can't get warm, I'd get sick.," the female answered, "I have a condition that hurts me if I am in the heat."
"Really? That is unusual.," Shiro said and continued to hold her hand, "We can still go into the cafe, you can get something cold."
She nodded in agreement and went to the cafe with him.

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