Chapter Twenty-nine: Nightmares

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Early in the morning, the sound of boot footsteps echoed through the halls of building 6. The steps of (y/n) were strong and steady as she walked through the halls and cell blocks. She had recently dropped off papers to the offices of the nightmare building. She was holding files of some patients she was going to meet up with later as she was walking back. The cold bodied young woman stumbled a bit. Her mind felt like it was struggling all of a sudden.
She held the files tighter and gripped at some railing as she descended some stairs, 'Not now, please.' She pleaded with her own body against her condition, her narcolepsy.
It was intermittent, but when it did strike, she was unable to keep herself awake. Her eyes closed and did not open again. She leaned forward and fell down the stairs. Her cold body fell rather gracefully as it reached closer to the hard metal steps, almost hitting the steps when she was caught by one of the prisoners who was being taken to another building for lessons. The inmate let the other guards have her after he caught her.

Some guards picked up her files as the one she was handed off to checked her heart rate and breathing. She was okay, just fell asleep randomly. The necklace around her neck had her condition inscribed on it, letting the guards know what to do. Of course they had to let their supervisor, Damien, know what happened. Her body was cold and hard for the guards to carry her to the guard room. Thankfully Damien came around and took the icy therapist to the guard room to recover.
The therapist woke with a start. She had the nightmare again. The one where she saw Elf torture her friend. Sweat had solidified into ice on her forehead. Her eyes looked around and she relaxed when she saw Damien. The large man was looking at her, his hockey mask did not scare her.
"Dami-san, what happened? Did I-?," young woman started to ask.
"You succumbed to your narcolepsy. One of my inmates caught you when you fell, he was kind of worried.," the supervisor of building 6 replied, "Are you feeling okay? You were talking in your sleep."

(Y/n) reached a pale hand up to her forehead that was covered in frozen sweat, "I'll be fine. It's..."
She gripped her jacket that was draped over her, "Trauma."
"Have you talked to the warden about this?," the large supervisor inquired as he turned back to his desk.
"Yes I have. She knows all about my past trauma and what I went through.," the icy young woman replied and fell back on the spooky themed couch she had been laid on, "I... sometimes wish that this was a long nightmare and that I'll wake up tomorrow completely fine. That when I wake, Shiro would still be alive and everything else was just a horrible dream."
"Sounds like you are suffering from a lack of sleep.," Damien replied, "Why not go back to headquarters and take a long and well deserved rest? You have been working nonstop."
"I still have more work to do.," the two toned haired woman said and got up shakily, "Thank you for your concern, Dami-san."
She stood on wobbly legs as she put her uniform jacket back on. The young woman was about to pick up her stack of papers with shaky hands. A large gloved hand took her small cold one.
The voice of Damien came again, "You should go get looked at by the doctor, just to be safe."
He gave her one more file after letting her hand go. His hands felt like a fire.

The icy woman left building 6 and went to building 7 to hop on the tram that led to building 13. (Y/n) did not have to go see her next few patients for a while, so she could do some work. Her office chair was comfortable and supported her back. Her pen glided across the papers as she signed and filled out documents. Iceberg blue eyes that were rimmed with floral pink ran along the pages, taking in notes and information about patients in the files she was given to read over. What behaviors, what personalities, what kind of people were they? What were they incarcerated for?
The smell of the flower she was gifted wafted over her office room. The young woman relaxed in her office the hum of the lights and the air conditioning was the only thing she heard.
The phone beside her computer monitor rang, the young woman picked it up and answered, "Hello?"
"Miss Yukinohana, I am sorry, but the inmates you have scheduled for that session today cannot come, they all got the stomach flu.," the guard on the other line apologized.
"It's fine, I will just find another day to schedule them in. They just need to make sure to get better.," She smiled.
"Thank you, miss Yukinohana!," the guard replied and hung up. He seemed very stressed and overworked.

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