Chapter eight: a game room and an Elf.

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(Y/n) walked while snuggling the doll she won from the arcade, the cute little version of her made her happy.
She smiled widely and ran into Kiji and his inmates.
"Hello darling. Are you going to see number 11's game room with us?," the supervisor of building three asked.
The young woman hugged her doll and smiled, "Of course! I want to see everyone happy."
"Hello miss. Your skin is as radiant as always.," Trois said.
Honey added to his friend's complement, "Your hair is amazing as well. What product do you use?"
"You should ask Kiji, he is the one who gave it to me.," the female replied and felt another poke to her skin. Trois was touching her shoulder.
"Your body is extremely cold, I presume it is a side effect of your condition and ability.," the French male said.

"You are correct Trois.," (y/n) said and smiled at the male, "It is a condition my entire family has. The ice ability actually started about ten generations ago."
"So it is a natural genetic mutation for your family?," Trois asked, "incredible. And Kiji says that you are the said to be the most powerful in your line."
"That is true. Our family tests our abilities at a certain age and I scored highest on the test. But the downside is that I'm delicate and prone to overheating.," the female explained, "A glass cannon of the Cryophoric variety."
The two inmates were going to say something but we're stopped by the presence of the British inmate, Uno.
Honey immediately lost his cool and hair that looked like arrows erupted from his bangs.
Uno looked really happy.

"Why the hell did you call us out here for?, " honey asked with attitude that was hostile, "I will kick your ass if it is something stupid."
Uno responded smugly, "if I did not know any better, I'd say you're still sore about me kicking your ass."
"SHUT YOUR MOUTH!," the violet haired Japanese American male said.
"Relax bro, it was just a game. I forgotten all about it.," the British teen said happily.
"Then why do you keep bringing it up?!," honey inquired as Trois introduced himself to Uno and rock.
(Y/n) stood back with Kiji and watched the inmates interact like proud guardians.
"They act like children on the playground sometimes, it is so cute.," the cold bodied female said with a smile.
"They do. Except larger and sometimes vulgar.," Kiji responded to her, "But they are like our children and we need to watch over them."
"You sound like a proud parent.," the female giggled, "It's charming."
"You are just as charming with how much you care.," the pheasant guard smiled back.

"Come on, it's over here!," Uno said enthusiastically and waved while standing in the doorway.
'He certainly looks giddy today.,' (y/n) thought to herself and followed Kiji and his inmates to where Uno was.
Rock, Nico and Jyugo followed behind them.
The room was empty and Honey was yelling at Uno. Uno explained that he wanted to build the game room together. Honey and Trois did not seem to follow.
"I think he wants everyone to have a say because he wants everyone to be happy.," the female said as she stood next to the two dandies.
The males shrugged.
"I have a question for you Yukino.," Uno said, "It has been bugging me for a bit but, what would you like to have if you were in the tournament?"
The others also looked interested in her answer.
"It am interested as well.," Trois said, "What would you like?"

"My first wish would be impossible to accomplish but...," (y/n) smiled, "I would want to see All of you happy and smiling. You inmates are more important to me than any mere object."
She looked down with a sad smile on her face.
"So what would your first wish be?," Nico asked.
The cold woman took a picture from her pocket and held it up for the others to see, "I would want to see Shiro again."
Uno took the picture to see it better, he looked at the picture of younger (y/n) and her friend Shiro. The British male stared at the face of the Blue haired teen boy then at teenaged (y/n) before giving it back, "You two look happy."
"His eyes are scary but his smile looks kind.," Jyugo commented.
"He did scare a lot of people with his eyes but he was so sweet.," (y/n) smiled as Hajime and the other supervisors of building thirteen brought in furniture. The black guard-cat Kuu sat on the creamy yellow couch as Hajime tried to shoo him off.

Uno jumped on the couch set and exclaimed how happy he was with finally receiving he this set he wanted. The cold-bodied female sat on the couch, "it is soft."
"I know right?," Uno said with a grin, "Spending my wages on it was completely worth it."
Nico and rock started to feel the couch as well, (y/n) caught rock looking down her shirt.
She hit him with the doll she held, "Bad."
Rock stepped back and held his head, "Sorry!"
Samon walked in with his inmates and Inori, "Is this supposed to be the building thirteen recreation room?"
(Y/n) chuckled as she saw Upa punching Qi's stomach.
The building five guys were delivering a mahjong table. Apparently Uno asked them to teach him how to play.
The female let the boys do all of the heavy lifting for the tables and furniture, they probably would not have let her help anyways.

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