Chapter fourteen: day off 2

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After her nap, (y/n) got up for a snack and tea.
Thankfully her mom had already gotten some of her favorite snacks.
She made tea and poured some from the teapot into a cup and took a sip, how wonderful it was to have some relaxing tea in one of her family homes again.
She picked up her phone again to check for any messages and found some from Kiji. The motherly pheasant supervisor was asking if she was okay. She responded with that she was alright and was currently having tea.
She smiled at the picture he sent of Honey and Trois. The two were smiling and posing for the camera. Both were tremendously photogenic.

She took another sip of her tea and got up to find something to read. She found it in her father's office. A report on a pair of dangerous assassins. This interested the female and she sat down to read it.
Twins who were assassins, both remorseless killers. No doubt strong and skilled at what they did.
The picture attached to the file is what made her laugh.
The two were muscular males with wine red hair and eyes, but they were in maid dresses. The frilly headdresses completed their looks. 
(Y/n)'s cheeks were pink from laughing at the image of these dangerous criminals in maid outfits.
She placed the report back where she found it and went back to her room with her phone, she wished she brought some of her paperwork with her to do so she would not be so bored.
The cold bodied female laid on the couch and stared at the ceiling.

"I probably should have gone with mom and dad to the prison.," the young woman said, "But... what if Elf or one of his infected inmates are there?"
She sat up and walked back to her room, she flopped onto her bed.
She had a bad feeling. Something was going to happen.
But what?
She saw the spider was in her room again, the same one. It had the same pattern on it.
The spider was sitting on her dresser this time.
"First a shark, now a spider.," the woman said, "They don't look natural in the patterns. If Elf is behind this, I'm not amused."
The spider climbed the wall back to the ceiling.
She picked up the doll of Shiro and looked at it, it was still adorable.
So many good memories she made with Shiro, the hope for a long lasting friendship with the blue haired male... all of them destroyed by Elf and the teens who pushed Shiro onto the train tracks.

(Y/n) looked up to the spider, "Hey, are you with Elf?"
She of course had no answer from the eight legged creature.
"You're still not going to get many bugs up there. The bugs are in the garden.," she said to the spider, "And I would hate to see a beautiful spider like you dead."
She sighed and checked her phone again, no new messages.
She looked through the pictures she got from her friends and stopped at the one Hitoshi sent her. Musashi had a confused expression on his face.
The expression on the German male made her chuckle, he was a real sweetheart under that rough exterior.
The young woman placed her phone down again and sighed, the bad feeling in her stomach had not gone away.
"Hey, spider.," she said, "Are you getting a bad feeling?"
No answer. It was an arachnid.

The young icy woman picked up her doll, "Time to visit the town and My parents!"
She packed up her purse and put the doll in the bag in a way it could peek out and look around.
Her smile as she left the house was wide.
Her heart felt happy as she walked with the doll in her bag, "Come on little Shiro, we can go have lunch. Ooh, maybe get some sweets instead and see my parents."
She looked at the posters that were up, "Ooh! A street festival for this town's anniversary! Street vendors, dancing and more!"
The icy female grinned, it sounded like so much fun!
She clutched her bag with joy, then released it. Her smile fell.
It would be more fun if she had her friends with her as she did. But her friends were dangerous criminals that were back in Nanba prison. And the guards who watched over them.
All she had was the doll that was of her first friend with her.

"It's fine. I can dance alone.," She said as she looked down, "I always did before you Shiro."
The female proceeded to walk solemnly to the sweets shop for a snack and tea.
She ordered the special and some tea that was recommended by the shop to have with the sweets.
She sat down once she received the snack and ate, the snack was nice and soft.
It was nice to eat. She thought that there were some in Nanba who would like this, like the supervisor of building 7 or rock.
She smiled as she thought of all of the supervisors, they were a colorful bunch. She had a few she liked more than others.
(Y/n) thought more. It was almost valentine's day.

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