Chapter thirty-two: Facing hell

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(Y/n) walked through the halls with Zakuro and Ikakku behind her. They were much more willing to follow her now. She had placed her mask and jacket back on, the long sleeves covered her hands up.
"Hey, Yuki, are ya going to watch me fight?," Ikakku asked.
The cold bodied woman looked back at him, "Please don't call me that."
"Why not?," Ikakku asked.
"Only people I'm really close to are allowed to call me that.," she answered.
Ikakku gave a smirk, "Fuck that. I'm calling you Yuki."
The blue and pink haired woman sighed and kept walking with the two.
"Are you going to watch one of us fight?," Zakuro asked.
"If I have to.," (y/n) replied, "But, if I'm completely honest, I hate fighting and conflict. I like peace."
The icy therapist kept walking until she saw some other guards running up to her.
"Miss Yukinohana, we're here to take 396 and 1111 to where they will go.," one said.
She looked back to the two.
"No. Just take 396. I'll personally take 1111 to where he needs to go. I want to talk to him a little more.," the young woman replied.
She unlatched the handcuffs Zakuro wore from the lead and gave it to the guards, "Take good care of him."

"Yes, miss Hana!," the two guards spoke in unison before walking off with Zakuro.
The inmate's silver eyes looked back at her and Ikkaku as he walked away. The icy therapist waved goodbye to him. She felt Ikkaku move and looked to see the inmate was throwing a double bird to his fellow inmate. He got an elbow nudge from the therapist, his pink eyes looked down to her masked face.
"Ikkaku. Let's go.," the young woman spoke and turned to walk.
"I'll try to not kill Musashi.," the electric man grumbled, "No promises."
"So that means that Jyugo is facing Zakuro.," (y/n) sighed, "Why is there a need to fight in the first place?"
"I don't know. But I don't feel right about sitting on my ass all day.," the blond man behind her answered.
"You're very energetic. I can see why it is hard for you to keep still.," (y/n) mused.
Ikkaku sped up to walk right beside her, "What was it that you wanted to talk about?"
"Your friend. What is he like?," the icy woman inquired.
"Really fucking happy. I don't think I've ever seen him upset for a long period of time, he cries then goes back to being all smiles.," Ikkaku spoke.
His pink eyes cut to her as they got into a prisoner transport vehicle.
The icy woman looked at the frost that covered her fingertips, "How does he know me?"
"How does he know you?," Ikkaku echoed and looked at the woman, "I don't think I was listening to him at that point, either that or we were insanely drunk."

"Is your liver okay?," this question made Ikkaku look at her with an irritated and confused expression.
"Why the hell are you concerned about that?," the blond inmate asked with a face of disgust and confusion, "Do you really expect me to believe you actually care about inmates."
"Believe me or not, this is part of my job here.," the young woman answered cooly, her blue and pink hair following behind her as she walked. Her boots tapped on the ground and Ikkaku's feet padded as they walked to the area where he was going to fight Musashi. Ikkaku's eyes looked to the ribbon in her hair, it looked like a flower and had bloodstains on it.
"Why don't you get a new ribbon, Yuki?," He asked her.
"Because, this one is special.," (y/n) answered, "This one is the one I always wore when I saw Shiro."
"You're a dumbass.," He scoffed and felt his cheek be pulled by the smaller female.
"You're vulgar.," the young lady retorted. They climbed a set of stairs to the top of a building, where the arena was.
'Almost there...,' the cold bodied woman thought to herself, 'I never thought I would participate in something like this. Especially after escaping from it.'
Her foot hit the top step and she was faced with the door that opened to an expansive rooftop.

Musashi and Kenshiro were already there. As was Hitoshi and the dog guards of building four. She heard a menacing chuckle come from her prisoner as Kenshiro watched her unlock Ikkaku's cuffs.
"You made them a little tight, Yuki.," Ikkaku scoffed.
"Zip it. I had to get you here, at least I was not rough.," The therapist shot back.
Ikkaku had a grin on his face that looked like trouble, "Perhaps you should have been rough, I might have liked it better."
(Y/n) rolled her eyes and saw Kiji walk out of the door she came from. "I'm here to help watch the battle.," the pheasant guard spoke as his canary yellow eyes looked over to the new inmate, "Hm. Not bad."
(Y/n) nudged Ikkaku, "Go on. Let's get this over with. I'll make you a melon soda the way you want afterwards."
"I'm going to hold you to that promise, Yuki.," Ikkaku smirked and stepped forward to introduce himself to Musashi.
The therapist walked over to the other guards as the two inmates introduced themselves.
"Hey there, Kiji-nii, Kenshiro-san.," The young woman chimed.
"Hello Hana-Chan~," Kiji chimed, "I hope you were not too scared with that handsome looking brute."
"He's fine. A bit vulgar and energetic, but fine.," the cold woman responded, "He actually already knew about me, he said a friend of his told him about me."
"Small world.," Kenshiro said and watched the scene unfold.

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