14, Addison

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Fourteen – Addison

"Hey girl!" Brielle was always way too chipper in the morning. "Listen your boy was in the news like every night he's been gone and its hilarious." She plopped into the chair in front of my desk with a huge grin.

"For what?" If I didn't entertain her about this silly shit, she'd get irritated and let me be honest, an irritated Brielle is not on my agenda today.

"For helping drag Del Vecchio out of a bar, like every single night, who does that!" She started laughing. I shook my head. "I mean who gets so drunk every single night they're gone and needs his teammates to drag him out of the bar?" She laughed again.

"So, he wasn't in trouble at all?"

"Nope, and they've thanked you for that!" I just smiled. "Seriously he is a completely different man with you. I mean at least to the press. You know he isn't getting into trouble, no more arrests, no more girl issues. That's all totally because of you girl. I wonder if Del Vecchio needs a woman." She placed her elbow on my desk.

"I love him, and seriously I'm sure he'd do anything to get away from the snarky Marie chick he's supposedly with, she is horrible, I won't sit with the other girls at games because of her. So, narcissistic and that's putting it nicely." I smiled again.

"Who you kidding, you've loved him since you were like 13, but then ick Gavin. Still don't know why you dated him. And HELLO hook a sister up!" I rolled my eyes, she didn't really know that Houston started to ignore me completely after the accident. I kept that to myself thinking it was my fault all of these years. He did clear that up as to why he stopped...Gavin, of course. She laughed, just as my phone went off so I scrambled to look at the text.

Devon Morris - You have a chance we can talk?

Me - I'm at work, so if through text works yes.

Devon Morris – I need to know what's going on with you and Houston.

Me - What do you mean?

Devon Morris – He told me something, and what he told me completely breaks the contract, and basically fucks everything we've been doing up, so I need to hear it from you, so that we can move forward and figure out something to make it out on top instead of underneath all this shit.

Me - What did he tell you?

Devon Morris – Do you love him?

Me - Uhm...

Devon Morris – So, that's a yes. Fuck! When are you free today, we need to talk in person about all of this, figure out some kind of game plan.

Me - I go on lunch in 45 minutes.

Devon Morris – Can I meet you back at that coffee shop we first met at?

Me - Yea, that's fine.

Devon Morris – See you in 45, I'll find a seat in the back at one of the high tables just like before. Hopefully it won't be too busy.

Me - Okay.

I put my phone back down on my desk and Brielle was staring at me concerned.

"Uh, everything okay?"

"Yea, why?"

"Well ya know, your face kind of says differently." She smiled.

"Just a client needs to meet up at lunch is all." I know I wasn't convincing, but I couldn't tell her the truth. Nobody could know the truth on what started this amazing relationship between me and Houston.

"Okay, sure that's all it is." She shrugged and left my office.

Forty-five minutes flew by and I all but ran to the coffee shop. Devon was already there and waving me over, the second I walked through the door. I quickly sat down while he started talking right away.

"Okay look, I know people can't control how they feel I, I get that, and Houston is one of my best friends, and I'd do anything to see him succeed and be happy in the meantime. So, this entire situation is considered a tread lightly situation, and knowing he's in love with you fills me with joy for him, that he finally found someone he wants to be with and stay with. I honestly couldn't even ask for it to be with a better person than yourself. You've got your shit together, and don't take his shit. It also pisses me off to no end, because on the business side of things you guys fucked up so hard. You both signed this agreement stating this shit wasn't going to go anywhere, and only had to make it a year, yet here we are."

"You just said yourself you can't control how you feel about someone." We were whisper yelling back and forth.

"I get that damnit I do. Which is why I have created a new NDA. It's simple, one page, and all it says is that the contract is null and void, and you aren't allowed to speak about it to anyone or we are able to sue you. The two of you can continue to be together and nobody has to worry about anything from here on out."

"Where do I sign?" He made it simple, I just wanted to sign and be done with all of this. I just want to continue being happy with the man I should have been with from the start.

"That's it? You don't want to read it over? Or know about the money situation?" He looked at me concerned.

"Is there anything in it hurting myself or my kids in anyway?"


"Is there anything in it stating that Houston and I can't continue with our lives together?"

"Not at all."

"So, you're telling me it just stating that the last contract no longer exists, and I'm not allowed to talk about it?"

"Yea, exactly, and that the money is gone since the original contract is void."

"Okay, where do I sign?"

"Right here." He pointed to the line, I skimmed the page quickly to make sure there was nothing hidden, and he wasn't lying, which he wasn't, then signed it.

"Can I tell him?"

"Sure, he doesn't have to sign it. It's your choice what you tell him and when. Oh, and Addison?" He stopped me before I walked away with his hand on my wrist. "Do you really love him? Or are you just here for the fame and money." I nodded.

"I love him more than anything, he's my person Devon. If I was lying, or gave a damn about the money would I have just signed a piece of paper that states I don't get anything, because I fell in love with him?" He looked down for a second and then back up at me.

"Please don't hurt him, he won't recover from you." I smiled.

"I won't." He let go of my wrist and I had a new pep to my step. I walked out the door and video called Houston.

"Hey beautiful." He was smiling. "Guess where I am?"

"I can only hope on a bus or something heading home?" He looked away more than he was looking down at the phone, but I couldn't tell what he was doing.

"Even better." I heard a car door shut on his end and saw his smiling face again in the bright sun. I was now standing outside my building over by my car.

"What's even better then you on your way home?" He smiled then hung up the phone. I was about to call him back, ass hanging up on me.

"Being here already." I jumped, turned and ran into his waiting arms.

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