6, Addison

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Six – Addison

Before I could even read Houston's message I was instantly was bombarded with texts from my sister, Brielle, and of course Gavin.

Brielle – Excuse me, why wasn't I told that it was HOUSTON! You've literally had a crush on him forever and we just talked about him yesterday! CALL ME STOP BITCH BLOCKING MY ASS!

Ava – Love, I thought we were close, what happened? Why wouldn't you tell me that you were actually dating him? You know I'd be overly happy for you! When did this happen?

Gavin – Of course you'd fucking run to him.

Houston – So, social media officially knows about you.

I decided to answer Gavin first, because he just pissed me off.

Me - Says the guy that started dating a girl 6 years younger than him while still in a relationship. Oh, by the way he told me what happened back in the day. How you apparently got me because you won a stupid game. What a joke.

Gavin – Shut the hell up leave Michelle out of this.

Me - She's 21 with 3 infants under 3. I don't have to say anything about her. Our conversations stay about our children we have together, otherwise we have no need to talk. We aren't friends Gavin.

Gavin – We used to be friends, I miss you.

Me - Do not even start with me. Go to bed you have toddlers to care for while I'm running our children around.

Gavin – What the fuck ever.

I moved on to my sister, because well she was easier than Brielle and I wasn't going to answer Houston just yet.

Me - I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to hide it. We weren't supposed to announce it like that I was going to get everyone together, but we just couldn't wait any longer. You know I love you and you are my best friend, my twin, I mean seriously only you and Brielle know all my secrets. This is the only one I've ever kept to myself.

Ava – I'm so happy for you seriously though! How is he?

Me - Besides hotter than he ever should be? Ugh, Ava when he kissed me the butterflies, I got about lifted me off the ground.

Ava – Giiiiiirl, call me tomorrow I'm going to bed. G'night.

Me - Lol okay love you night.

On to Brielle, it was like I was playing damage control already, yet nothing happened!

Me - I'm sorry it's a long story can we talk in the morning please <3

Brielle – You are seriously lucky that I love you. FIRST THING!

Me - Just come to Brent's game, I'll tell you everything I swear.

Brielle – I'll be there.

I was about to text her back, but the text that came in from Houston was a picture and let's be honest I couldn't not look at it.

Houston – "This message contains multimedia"

Houston – You don't have to post anything about me. Devon was on my ass about posting you before I went to bed which is why I kind of had to. Please don't be mad.

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