8, Houston

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Eight – Houston

I get it, the man is pissed. There is no need to act out in front of kids especially. How he was acting completely uncalled for which is why I was smart and just kept my mouth shut as much as I could the entire time. It isn't my place to step in. I don't care how long those two have been separated, and she's definitely over him, but he is not over her even a little bit no matter how hard he pretends to be. I don't know if its just me bringing out the bad in him or what but seems like even his own kids don't give a damn about him at this point.

I followed Brent into his locker room and took my hat to twist it around on my head. One kid looked over as I was helping Brent put his pads into his bag.

"Holy crap! You're Houston Davis from the Caps!" The coach looked over and walked up to me to shake my hand.

"Mr. Davis, nice to meet you, we've been trying to get a few of you guys to our practices. What brings you up here?"

"It's a long story, but I'm here now. Maybe I can sneak in a few of the practices from now on?"

"We would absolutely love that! Would you mind maybe signing some things for these kids and taking a few pictures?"

"Not at all." I smiled as they all lined up overly excited. The coach took a ton of pictures and once all the kids got their jerseys signed, they headed out of the locker room. The coach, myself and Brent were left. Brent was sitting on the bench now dressed enough to leave but looked upset. "What's wrong dude?" I sat down next to him.

"I don't want to go with my dad. I don't like being with him."

"I don't think you have to go with him today."

"Are you friends with my mom?" He looked up at me.

"Yes I am."

"She told me that she went to school with you, but anytime I asked her if I could meet you, she said you were too busy."

"Well I'm not busy now."

"But it's hockey season." I laughed.

"You're right, how about I make you deal?"

"What kind of deal?"

"How about anytime I don't have a game, or have to travel for a game, I'll be here cheering the heck out of you. Maybe even teach you some of my tricks." His eyes lit up. "And how about we go out to lunch, just you, me, your mom, and Braelynn."


"Heck yea. Oh, and I'll get you a different stick if you still want one signed, you don't want to play with a signed stick, do you?" He shrugged.

"I guess not, it would probably rub off."

"It would definitely rub off." We both laughed.

"Can I come see one of your games?"

"Have you ever been to a big game?" He shook his head back and forth.

"Mommy said they're just too much money right now."

"Well I do have a game tonight, what if we ask your mom if you guys can come, and I'll put you right up against the glass." His eyes got huge along with his smile.

"Are you serious?!"

"Yes, but only if your mom says its okay. You can even come check out the locker room and meet the rest of the guys."

"Dude, she better say yes." I laughed and patted him on the shoulder.

"Well let's get out there and ask." He jumped up and ran out the door. I was laughing as I picked up his bag and walked out. He was already asking Addison.

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