2, Addison

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Two - Addison

Our office was always so filled with life, filled with color and fun. I mean a guy wore a clown suit for like a month straight and everyone just laughed about it every day. We did constant team building activities, like Tough Mudder events and Rugged Maniac, oh and Ziplining, Zoo Trips. You name it, we've probably done it. Our owner Mark Sharp was really big on everyone feeling included and making sure everyone had a voice. There wasn't a single person here that hated their job.

"Thank god! You took forever!" Brielle ran over taking her coffee from my hand. "So, Mark is giving us Friday off. Seriously I love my job so much."

"Wait why?"

"Just because, and best part, he's still paying us!" And this is why everyone loves working here.

"Awesome, Brent has hockey tonight, at least I'll be able to get a little sleep tomorrow."

"Date night, you and me. I already called your mom. She's going to watch the kids overnight. Boom!" She threw her hands down.

"You know I actually hate you sometime."

"Shut up you love me." She smiled and blew me a kiss before walking away to head to her office. I did the same shutting the door behind me and pulled out my phone, to text the strange man from the coffee shop.

Me - If this is going to happen, and that is a big if. I need details. It's Addison by the way, from the coffee shop.

2039098555 - Details are not a problem, what questions do you have?

Me - First off, what even is your name?

2039098555 - Devon Morris, I'm with Keagan Sports Management, and I handle PR work for almost every athlete on the East Coast.

Me - If you are on his management team, what are you doing in West Chester, PA...when he plays in DC?

Devon Morris - Funny story. He got arrested in Philly last night. I had to bail him out and put him on a plane back to DC this morning. I went to a local rink to spot out some new talent.

Me - How exactly am I supposed to help him with anything?

Devon Morris - Well, you would be in a relationship with him. To the public it will be real, he will be committed. Which in short means he won't be hoeing around.

Me - Are there ground rules, because I would like to have them.

Devon Morris - Of course. I would draft up a full NDA, nondisclosure agreement, stating that you won't be able to tell anyone about this arrangement. It will also state that you'd have to go to a few of his games and events in order to make the relationship solid.

Me - I have kids. I can't just drop of a hat leave.

Devon Morris - I understand that, and they would all be planned events. The kids will also be more than welcome to attend anything applicable.

Me - No sex.

Devon Morris - You are both adults. I'm sure that can easily be agreed upon.

Me - Will he know all about this?

Devon Morris - You both would be signing the same paperwork. It will also state that if a real relationship happens to build between the two of you the money will be null. For our sake we can't have either of you going around saying your relationship started out with a huge price tag attached.

Me - I understand.

Devon Morris - We would have to have some kind of background as to how the two of you would have met. Maybe through a friend or something like that. It needs to be as realistic as possible, and absolutely believable.

Me - I have a cousin that lives near his family in Toronto, one cousin went to school with him.

Devon Morris - That would be perfect. Does that mean you are in?

I sat back in my seat and resting my head against the back of my chair. Did it mean I was in? I mean a chance of a lifetime and five hundred thousand dollars? That would buy the kids and I a house that I wouldn't have to worry about a monthly expense. But, the reality of dating a professional athlete? Well I guess it wouldn't be that bad, I mean it is hockey season so I obviously wouldn't have to see him much.

Me - Fuck it, I'm in.

Devon Morris - Meet me tomorrow night. The game against Philly, be there an 2 hours early and we can work through everything.

Me - Okay.

Devon Morris - Thank you.

I decided to leave it at that. I mean seriously I had a sitter anyway.

The rest of the day flew by in a flash, and I was becoming more nervous by the second. Brent's practice tonight had a few Pro guys there and I just kept looking over my shoulder waiting for Devon to appear. Thankfully he didn't, and as I already knew either did the kids dad. Not a shocker to me but having to see the look on both of my kids' faces being the only ones that's father didn't show up to anything. It was frustrating to say the least.

My mom was set to get the kids off the bus today and just keep them overnight at her place. I explained to Brielle that I had a date and that seemed to keep her off of my back for the moment at least.

I parked and nervous as all hell walked up to the Arena.

"Ma'am can I help you?" I cleared my throat.

"I'm here to meet someone, I'll call them first." Security nodded as I lifted up my phone to text Devon.

Me - I'm here, where do I go?

Devon Morris - Perfect, tell security you are with Devon Morris and Sean Collingdale. They'll page us to be sure it isn't a lie, then let you in and show you how to get downstairs. I'll meet you there.

I took a deep breath and looked back up at the security guard.

"So, I'm here for Devon Morris and Sean Collingdale." He eyed me suspiciously before talking over his walkie.

"I have someone here for KSM." The radio crackled before I heard a voice talk back.

"She's with us." He nodded.

"Do you know where you are going?" I smiled and shook my head.

"Haven't a clue."

"Alright, follow me." I followed him through the building that was filling up quickly with fans of all ages. He walked me through an 'employees only' door and down a small hallway. "Just head down these stairs."

"Thank you." He nodded before walking away. I took another deep breath letting it out slowly as I made my way down the stairs.

"Awesome you found your way. Hey, Addison."

"Hi Devon." I waved.

"This is Sean my partner." I waved to him as well.

"Nice to meet you, this crazy idea just might work. Dude, she's gorgeous." Devon shrugged his shoulders at Sean.

"Told you." He turned back to me. "So, Houston isn't quite on board yet. We have him secluded so that the two of you can meet. Kind of hoping seeing you will change his mind."

"I'm sorry seeing me?"

"You have to know how gorgeous you are?" I shook my head. "Let's just say you're his type. Ready to meet him."

"I guess..." With that I followed the two guys to meet this man I was basically signing my life over to for at least a year.

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