Flashback Chapter

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a/n - To understand how deep these three actually go, I thought it would be beneficial to share a quick little thing of what happened in the past. Enjoy!

Flashback Chapter

Houston Freshman Year of High School

First days in a new school are never fun. The only plus side is all of us are in a new school. Today is the day that two different Middle Schools merge into one High School. As if last year wasn't bad enough having a few guys from our rival hockey team, now we were going to have all of them.

My life revolved around Hockey, it has since I was born, it's a family thing, I don't think I've done anything else besides lacrosse for as long as I can remember. I'm captain of my team, and the rival team even though most of us are friends, their captain and I don't get along, at all. We have been stuck in the same school and same classes since elementary. There weren't many people I didn't get along with, he was definitely one of them. Gavin freaking Reid, that dude sucked. We just had massive clashing personalities on and off the ice.

So, of course as I'm walking in to the school for the first time all by myself, he's the first one I get to see, standing there with the only other guys I didn't get along with.

"You know you're going to lose Saturday, no point in even showing up." I just shook my head while the other guys laughed, and all gave high-fives to one another. "You heard me! That's right keep walking!" I just kept my hands in my pockets and walked through the doors.

I wasn't a trouble maker, I was a good kid, rarely in trouble at all, and seriously only cared about my family, hockey, music and lacrosse. My parents had their hands full with my little sister Logan, she was only a year younger, but man was she constantly in trouble. My older brother Memphis was the same way, he was constantly grounded, and I just never understood how. I had my best friends Colin and Matteo, we kept our heads down and stayed focused on school and sports.

I felt a hand tap on my arm and when I turned, I was met with the most beautiful green eyes I've ever seen. I couldn't help but stare, but to her I probably just looked dumbfounded.

"Sorry, if I started you, but I just wanted to say don't listen to them, and ask if you happen to know where room 302 is?" I smiled at her, she was nervous as hell and it was adorable.

"Thanks, and 302 is all the way down this hall, go upstairs and it should be right there."

"Thank you, sorry freshman, I don't know this school at all." She giggled.

"No worries, freshman also, just my older brother made sure I knew the school." She nodded with a beautiful smile.

"Very nice of him."

"I'm Houston."

"Uhm, Addi-" His voice stopped her from putting her hand in mine and from talking.

"Addison!" We both looked over at Gavin. "Don't talk to that trash girl, come over with the real guys."

"I was just saying hi, and no thanks." She spun back around to me. "I'll see you around, Houston." She smiled before walking away, my eyes followed until I was pushed back up against a locker. I wasn't a small kid by any means. Hockey made me strong, and I was almost 6' tall already, but again I wasn't a trouble maker, I didn't do fights on or off ice.

"Stay the fuck away from her Davis, I've got dibs." I just rolled my eyes not giving him the time of day. "I'm serious, she's mine." He pressed his forearm harder in my chest then was pulled away from me.

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