9, Houston

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Nine – Houston

Addison calmed down but didn't let go of me, and I was fine with that. The police walked over to talk to both of us.

"Mr. Davis, did you want to press charges against Mr. Reid?" I shook my head no. "Positive? We saw how aggressive he was towards you."

"I'm more concerned about how he was treating the mother of his children and his new girlfriend then how he was acting out towards me." The officer nodded.

"We're going to talk to Ms. Turner now, I assume she is the mother of the children?" He pointed to Addison. I nodded. "We will have to get her statement as well." Her arms tightened around my waist and I placed a kiss on top of her head. "We can do that another time, unless she wants to press charges?" She shook her head no once.

"No, for charges." The officer nodded and walked away. Addison didn't move from where her head was pressed against my chest, so I hardly heard her raspy voice.

"Where are the kids?"

"They're in the truck."

"Did they see anything?"

"I'm not sure how much, but yea. When the cops dropped him, I had them turn around and buckle in, and Brent held Braelynn's ears.

"I am so sorry." Her voice started to crack like she was about to cry again. I picked her head up and was cradling her cheeks as I stared into her bright red eyes.

"You did nothing wrong, you have nothing to be sorry about. Nothing, I promise."

"He went after you, tried to hit you, and I, I just froze." She sniffled.

"It wasn't the first time he tried to hit me, and I'm sure it won't be the last." I let out a small laugh. "But you need to know that nothing none of this, and nothing for the last almost 15 years the two of you were together was your fault. If I knew that he was..." My words got caught in my throat as I beat myself up for not fighting for her all those years ago. I took a deep breath before continuing. "If I knew he was mentally abusive, especially towards you, I would have fought till my last breath to hold on to you." She looked up at me and a small smile crossed her lips. "I wouldn't have let him even think about taking you and trying to control you. Nobody should try to control that fire inside you've always had. That's my favorite thing about you." She smiled a little wider and I pushed a stray hair behind her ear. She closed her eyes at the contact, so I took the opportunity to press my lips against hers. My hands still cradled her cheeks as I ran my tongue against her lips, she opened just enough to explore lazily, and it was amazing. I left like we were on a cloud with nobody else anywhere near. Until someone started to bang on the truck window.

"Ewwwww!!!!" Both the kids were saying while laughing, which caused Addison and myself to laugh. I pressed my forehead against hers.

"We don't have a say in who we fall for." I said before placing a chaste kiss upon her lips and leading her to the passenger side door of her truck. I helped her up and in closing the door behind her. Then walked over to the officers. "We're going to go; the kids have seen enough."

"We understand Mr. Davis; do you have a number so we can contact you for any further questions?" I nodded pulling out my wallet and handing him Devon's business card.

"He can get ahold of me if there are any issues."

"Okay, have a nice rest of your day. Good luck at your game tonight." I nodded thanking him before jumping up and in the truck. The kids were both giggling.

"You kissed our mom." Brent said through giggles.

"I did, I happen to really like your mom." I looked over at her beautiful smiling face before backing out of the spot. Addison took my hand in hers intertwining our fingers, when I kissed the back of her hand the kids yelled 'eww' again and started laughing. Lunch was amazing, the kids and I got along like we've known one another since they were born, but they were kids, I guess that was normal.

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