5, Houston

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Five – Houston

The second the locker room door closed the guys were hooting all over again. I walked over and dropped my gear down before pulling off my jersey and tossing it in the basket.

"Dude, who was she?!" Del Vecchio walked over fresh out of the shower. I looked up at him and smiled.

"My girlfriend."

"Shit what!?" Just about the whole team was listening at this point. "When? We were just out!"

"Don't remind me asshole." He laughed. "About a month now." He shook his head.

"We were out patrolling like two weeks ago."

"I was pretending to, just like you were since you know Marie."

"Whatever man, she's a filler." I had my skates and everything else off and laughed at him while heading to the showers.

Record speed of showering and putting my suit back on, along with ignoring the rest of the guys questions and grabbing my bag had me standing in front of her. She looked up at me through her lashes sitting on the stairs.

"How are you getting back to DC?"

"I actually have a place it's about an hour from here. I don't live in the city, so I have my truck." She nodded.

"Want to go grab something to eat?" She nodded again and smiled before standing up and taking my hand. We walked out to my truck, I threw my bag in the back seat before opening up the passenger door for her and helping her up and in. Thank god for auto-start because January on the east coast was cold as shit. I ran over and hopping in the driver seat. She looked over at me and smiled.

"So, Devon said you have to post a picture to like 'announce' that we're dating or whatever?" I laughed.

"That man is ridiculous. He actually thinks of every possible way for something to go wrong, then makes sure that it doesn't. He told me the same thing."

"How's that going to work? Will we just take a picture together or something?" I shrugged my shoulders and smiled.

"Or something." I laughed before tossing the truck in drive and heading to a nearby coffee shop. I pulled into the parking lot. "This okay?" She smiled.

"I love coffee." She jumped out of the truck before I even opened my door which made me laugh. "Come on slow poke." I put my hand out which I thoroughly enjoyed her easily taking, and went into the coffee shop, ordered and took a seat in the back.

"So, why did you kiss me?" She sighed.

"Do I have to have a reason? I mean you are my boyfriend and all." I laughed shaking my head.

"True, and absolutely not, but I know you did have a reason, you were damn determined." She looked away and I could tell was trying to find a way to explain it to me, I let her take her time.

"Okay, that girl Marie I assume you know, since she blurted out that she had sex with you along with all the other girls up in that section." She rolled her eyes. "I honestly don't care if its true or not, but she just, I don't know she got under my skin."

"What did she say?"


"It's fine, just tell me please?" I placed my hand on hers and she looked down at them. "If we can't be honest with one another through this arrangement, then it isn't going to work." She sighed again.

"She accused me of trying to find my kids a step-dad, which isn't the case, obviously you know that. So, I gave her some bullshit about me being happy and it was ridiculous, and I don't know what came over me. All my life I've been made to feel like I wasn't good enough to have Gavin, and I guess I was just proving to myself that someone wanted me. Even though again not the case." She ran her hand through her hair. "I'm sorry, can you take me back, I'd like to go home." I nodded.

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