Nick x Reader

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You held onto his hands as you both stared into each other's eyes. You were backstage together. "I cannot wait to cuddle up with the love of my life after this show." He cooed at you with a smile. "You're such a sweetheart, Nicky." You cooed back. "You lovebirds need a room." Virgil teased and you blushed a bit. "Leave y/n and I alone, Virg. Its your fault for booking this show last second." Nick said with a huff to him. Virgil rolled his eyes. "Be ready, you're on soon." Virgil said before going off. "Does he hate me...?" You asked worridly. "Hes like that with everyone, y/n. Dont worry about it." Nick reassured you you before kissing you passionately.

After the show ended. You both hugged tightly together. You buried your face into his chest and he kissed you all over your face. "I missed you..." You whimpered out. "I missed you even more, y/n. Now lets head to the room and cuddle up shall we?" Nick cooed at you and you nodded. It was nearly midnight and the two of you were exhausted. He scooped you into his arms and went to the hotel. You were a bit relieved to not see Virgil nearby.

He laid in bed with you ontop of him. You nuzzled into him and purred happily. "I love you so so much, Nicky." You chirped happily as you closed your eyes. "And I love you just as much, y/n. My sweet, y/n." He cooed as you both cuddled in bed, slowly drifting off together.

(265 words)

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