Blanket Forts

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Charles purred happily as he admired the fort he set up. Sharpe had trotted off to get food for them. He opened the door and set a basket on the table. "I'm ba..c...k..." Sharpe trailed off as he admired the blanket fort. Charles poked his head out. "Aaron!" He chirped happily, startling Sharpe.

The grey haired man squeaked and fell onto his butt. "Are you ok?!" Charles said worridly. "I'm fine...but what's this?" Sharpe asked as he got up, eyes locked on the blanket fort. "It took awhile to set up, but it's a fort! Bring in any food! We can munch on it in here!" Charles said with a smile to his best friend.

Sharpe grabbed the basket and took it into the fort. Charles pulled him into a hug, making the man squeak in surprise. "Its very cozy in here!" Sharpe said as he admired the warmth in the blanket fort. Charles smiled proudly and began to unpack the basket of food. Donald would pack a basket rather then Charles needing to come to the dining hall. The camp wasnt a short walk to get to places. Sharpe noticed a small cake and drooled a bit. "That's dessert." Charles scolded lightly. "And dont try to steal it like a goblin!" Charles said with a pout. Sharpe blushed and looked away in embarrassment. "Ok ok I wont..."

The two scooted close and nuzzled up together. They ate and chatted casually. "Do you think they'll let me?" Charles asked worridly. "Im sure they will." Sharpe said before nuzzling into his friend. "The general is too busy shagging every second to listen to a ramp request..." Charles mumbled and Sharpe blushed. Charles snickered once he saw his friend blushing. "T-thats gross!" Sharpe said with a huff before taking a bite of bread. "Im not wrong you know." Charles said with a snicker. "I'm gonna steal the cake if you keep that up!" He said as he was still blushing. "Not if I eat it all first!" Charles teased with a smirk. "Nooo!!"

(345 words for Thicc_Boi_Soldiers i had fun :,D)

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