New Years at the constabulary

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"Oh shit, has it really been a year?" Constable Turner said as Gainsborough opened a bottle of scotch. "Indeed it has been. Now try to not get into deep shit this year." He hissed before Rosetti walked over to them. "Oh chill out, Gainsborough. It IS new years after all. Today is the start of the new shit show. But hey, that's why we get joy." Rosetti pushed a raspberry into Gainsboroughs mouth and kissed him softly before snatching his scotch. Gainsborough took a second to realize the bottle was snatched. "Hey!!" He hissed before getting up and booking it to get Rosetti.

Most of the bobbies were in the constabulary to get away from working. That and of course to get drunk off their asses. Though, not every bobby was into drinking. But hey, everyone celebrates their own way right. Granted....some only drink to escape the secrets they know.

(151 words. I have no idea what the fuck i just wrote. So uh.  Yeah)

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