James x Roger

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James nuzzled up to his boyfriend and smiled. "Well aren't you a snugglebug, moo." Roger cooed at him before being pulled into a warm embrace. "What's wrong with it?" James said with a bit of concern in his voice. Roger gently put his hand on his lovers cheek before kissing him passionately. The two shared in the moment before pulling apart and pressing foreheads together. "I love you so much, puppy." James looked into his boyfriend's eyes. "Are you getting nightmares again? The ones where I leave you?" Roger said softly with concern and got a nod in response."Oh, James.... you know its only a nightmare. I'm never going to leave you." Roger reassured with a comforting hug following. James clung to him and nuzzled into his neck. "I really really love you, Roger." James cooed out to his boyfriend.

The two jolted as they heard Faraday loosing her shit in the lab upstairs. "What a joy kill..." James mumbled under his breath. Roger took his lover by the hand and led him to the front door. "Let's go enjoy the day, James. Just you and me." Roger chirped happily, making James light up with glee.

(197 words. Short because I'm dizzy as fuck right now. eccentricmethod)

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