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Arthur couldn't help but tense up as he remembered the past. "What if I just shut up and got on...?" He sighed and dropped his shoulders as he walked across the bridge from the train station. "I fucked up so bad and yet....I can't do anything about it..." He groaned out and screamed. He was alone...or so he thought.

"Do you regret it?" A familiar voice chimed. "Oh god..." Arthur jumped back as he was startled, thinking he was alone. "And... yes, I do regret it..." Arthur sighed softly and looked down. "I fucked everything up and I can't do shit!" Arthur leaned on the rail and looked at the water. "Sir, we might not be able to change the past. But we don't live in the past. We live in the present. Yes.... things might not be the best now. But we have to focus on making now better then it was. Even if it seems impossible." Peter said softly as he put a hand on Arthur's shoulder in comfort. "I did so much to escape and now I don't even know where to go..." Arthur closed his eyes and tried to hold back his emotions. "Well, sir.... if all you do is move forward slowly, then that's good enough."

(213 words. Dunno why but wanted to write some good feels with peters)

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