Ocelot/Cat X Reader

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Also adding the ocelot

In her tree house ( actual is your house), (y/c) watched those strange ocelot people climbing on trees. Then she noticed there this guy ocelot was always staring at her all the time when she's on her balcony.
(y/c)'s Pov
I was staring at those ocelot people and I noticed that there was this ocelot guy looking at me. It was a bit creepy, but strange too. One day, I was walking on top of the trees. It was a beautiful day out. I was looking at the landscape and I was walking. Then I fell forward, where a big gap with no trees there. I shrieked as I began to fall until an arm grabbed mine. " Hang on!" The voice of the person said and pulled me up back. I looked at the person, which was a ocelot and it was the same one that keeps looking at me. He had shaggy, spiky blonde hair and brown eyes. He had a yellow tail and surprisingly, he was actually handsome up close. But on his face, it showed anger and relief. " Did anyone tell you not to walk while not paying attention?" He spat, which kind of sounded like a boyfriend would say to his girlfriend. " I'm sorry. I should be more careful next time." I said with sigh. " Also, why do look at me when I come out of my house? I can tell you're the same one" I added and he blushed. " You can tell?" He asked me and I nodded. " Well I wanted to live with you and I promise I behave." He said and that surprised me a bit. Okay, I mean a lot, which made me blush a bit. He wants to live with me, all this time? It's pretty shocking, but I'll let him live with me. " Why not? Not gonna hurt anyone." I said and he blushed. " So your letting me live with you then? Thank you . . ." He said quietly and we went to my house. " So what's your name? I'm (y/c)." I asked him, with a smile. " I'm Tyler." He said.
3 months later . . .
Tyler became a cat and he looks more cuter, being clean. His hair combed down, clothes that aren't ripped, and looks clean. He's kind, maybe overprotective for me, and he's helpful and I think I like him, because he makes get this fluttery feeling when I'm with him. Well today, me and him are going look around on the ground. I'm running out of supplies and Tyler eats fish, so I'll get him some. We both walked around the place and I sorta got quite far from Tyler. I gather some supplies and then I heard hissing. I turned around, seeing a creeper. With no weapon, I ran for my life. I got cornered and I thought it was over, but the creeper suddenly fled. It looked frightened and I saw Tyler, looking irritated. "I told you to be careful, (y/c). What would've happened if I didn't come in time ?" He said and I began to cry, in relief. It doesn't look like relief to him, since he ran up to me and hugged me. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't yell at you." He apologized and I shook my head. "No, it's not that. I'm glad, you came here in time." I said. "(y/c), I'll always be there to protect, even if it costs my life. (y/c), I love you." He said, which I felt my heart rise. "Y-you do?" I said and he nodded, with a blush. "I do too and don't get overprotective for me, 'Kay?" I asked. "I'll try and this is a promise." He says and pecks my lips. I smiled. I'm with the guy I love now.

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