Chapter five: two long days

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(Y/n) opened her eyes and found herself in a patient bed in the medical wing.
"You scared us," The voice of the warden caught her attention, "you collapsed so suddenly and were out for a few days."
"Sorry Momo-nee.," the young female said with a cough, "I should have listened to doctor okina."
Momoko did not correct the female, "I had to tell the guards about your powers since you showed them. You put up a good fight and made quite a mess with all of that ice."
The younger female looked down and felt the older one place a hand on her head, the warmth hurt.
"But we are relieved to see you are okay.," The warden said with a smile, "You were able to fight both of the inmates long enough for them to be caught."
"Guess the secret that I am a woman is also out.,", The female laughed softly then coughed.

"The inmates should not give you a problem.," the warden spoke, "But you can tell someone if they do. Now get some rest, You have been given leave to heal from your injuries."
"Thank you Momo-nee.," (y/n) said and coughed as the nurse android Kaguya came to check on her.
The blue haired warden got up from the seat she was in and walked out of the patient ward to return to her office.
Momoko told the guards and supervisors of what (y/n) Yukinohana could do after they saw her power at the tournament. Several of the guards were afraid Yukinohana was like the inmates that were fighting, those fears had to be silenced by Momoko.
She was also already upset that she had to give Hajime a three day suspension for beating number 15 into a coma once he was caught.
But as her duty as the warden she had to.

"Does anything hurt?," the synthesized voice of the nurse android made (y/n) look up at her.
"Kaguya-nee, I do not feel pain in my body.," was the answer that she gave.
Kaguya got up and walked out of the patient ward and to the office while carrying medicine for Nico.
That meant that Nico was most likely coming soon to get a checkup and his medicine.
(Y/n) heard yelling and talking from the clinic, she got up and limped to the door to look in.
Honey and Trois were talking to Kaguya with Rock and Uno.
Nico was taking some of his medicine while they were. Kenshirou and Kiji were also present.
"Don't touch my daughter!," the doctor scolded the inmates pestering the android.
"It is kind of your fault, Okina-san.," (y/n) said with a strained voice that made the inmates look over, "Female deprived men tend to cling to anything woman shaped."

"(Y/n), are you sure you should be up at this time?," Kiji asked, "You took quite a bit of damage."
"I'll be fine Kiji-nii.," the cold bodied young woman said and leaned on the doorframe, "Okina-san is an excellent doctor."
The pheasant guard was keeping his boys from saying anything inappropriate to her by covering their mouths.
Nico came over and smiled up at her, "Wow you're really cute, I would have never guessed you were a girl!"
She smiled at the small male, "Thank you Nico. But that was kind of the point."
"Why didn't you tell us you were a girl?," Uno asked.
"A pretty one at that.," Rock added.
(Y/n) chuckled then coughed, "It was Hajime's idea. He thought you would behave better if you did not know that I was a female."
"Time to go.," Kenshirou said, "We only came for 25's medicine."

"Kenshirou, where is Hajime?," the female asked.
The Sakura guard gave her a serious look, "He has been given a three day suspension for putting 15 into a coma. It is my turn to look after building 13."
Uno and the other's faces turned sour after hearing that, (y/n) felt bad for you you man.
"Can I come with you? I don't need to stay here on my leave time.," the female said.
Okina was as grumpy as ever with his response, "Go on then, but you need to come back for your respirator."
"Okay.," the female said and followed Kenshirou and the inmates of cell 13 back to building 13.
"Can I lay my head on your lap again Yukino-chan?," Nico asked.
"Can I do that too after him?," Uno asked
"No me!," Rock added.
"My body is probably too cold for you to handle.," (y/n) replied, "I would rather you use a pillow if you want a nap."

"Why is your body so cold anyway?," Uno asked, "is it part of that sickness you have?"
"The 'sickness' is actually a hereditary condition my family family has on both sides, we are naturally immune to cold and some of us can actually use ice as weapons at will.," the female explained, "a lot of my family uses that said power to help the government and police to apprehend criminals."
"Like you tried to catch jyugo and that other guy at the tournament?," rock asked.
"Yes, I tried to catch them in a way that would not hurt them but their power was equal to if not greater than mine.," (y/n) said, "I guess I will need to train more with my abilities."
"So you actually were trying to catch them peacefully?," the British male asked and got a nod in return.
The female looked ahead, "But a downside to my power is that I tend to overheat if I overuse it or am in a hot environment. Overheating causes me to get sick easily and pass out like I did."

Nanbaka: tales of the snowflower (xreader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora