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"Excuse me." I muttered. "Sorry." I dodged through the crowded streets of downtown Sydney. I finally popped out from a particularly cramped area and took a breath at the cross walk. The little blue person illuminated the crossing sign and I didn't even bother looking to make sure a random car decided to run the red light before going across the street. 

"Hey watch out!" I heard someone yell and I looked up just in time to see a bright blonde headed boy running towards me. I was pushed onto the hard cement, my breath leaving me once the weight of the stranger landed on me. A car zoomed by us and I looked up to see my life saver. Pale blue eyes captivated me and I went breathless, not from the fall though. He helped me up and I brushed off the back of my red jeans and he finally looked at me, his eyes flicking to my now bare wrist. The boys eyes widened upon seeing it so I pushed my navy sweater back down to my knuckles.

"Thanks." I sighed out and he just nodded, pushing past me and into the crowd of people. I furrowed my eyebrows at his sudden departure and frowned a little. I looked down at my wrist and suddenly my heartbeat sped up. I quickly shoved my sleeve back down and quickly walked down the street, careful of passing cars, and to my apartment. Turning down Broadway Street, I spotted my small apartment at the end of the street. 

I stumbled out of the cold and into the warm apartment before slipping my boots of of my feet and throwing them to the side by the front door. I hung my key on the hook and went to my bedroom, closing the door behind me even though I live by myself. I flopped onto the bed and rolled my sleeve up, running my fingers over the black letters. Luke. 

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