Preview for book two

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"You're going to tell me everything—" He pulls out a knife and gently places the blade on my throat, "—unless you want to know what it feels like to lose all your blood in a span of four minutes."

"Do it then." I snickered. "What are you waiting for? Because, I am not telling you shit!"

"Your a tough little bitch, aren't you?" He smirks at me with a raised brow.

"Jake is going to find you, and once he does you're as good as dead."

"Oh, no, no!" He snickers as he pulls the knife from my neck but he still stayed on a knee, down to my level. "HE'S the one that's gonna be dead once I see him. You'll see, I'll slit his fucking throat right in front you, and I'm going to make sure that you are going to see every. Single. Bit of it."

"You just can't move on, can you? It's been years Andrew, just accept the fact that Jake is better—" I couldn't finish my sentence. He slapped me so hard I could feel the side of my face stinging.

"That fucker is not better than me! He is NOT! He... He won't show his face to me before, but now he will, because of you... you're the one that's gonna lure him in to me." He grinned like a lunatic and for a moment, I felt scared.

And I don't know if it was for me or for Jake.

"Jake is a cold motherfucker, but you and I both know how soft he gets just for you... his bastard sister... Oh wait, you both are bastards, a child of that good for nothing whore."

He wants to see me get mad, and I am, I want nothing more than to see this asshole dead. But I'm not gonna give him that satisfaction.

"Is that what this is all about? Because you couldn't accept the fact that she ditched you and your father and chose us?"


So, what do you guys think? Are you guys up for book two?


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