Chapter 2

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It's been hours since Jake left home, and I'm starting to worry.

Ugh... Why did I let him leave in the first place?

"Muller!" I hear a deep voice banging on the door, "I know you're in there! Open up!"

A feeling of worry and fear flooded through me. Who could these people be?

"Hey! You bastard! I know you're in there!" I rushed upstairs, locking myself in my room.

What do I do?

I heard a crash downstairs that were soon followed by heavy footsteps, and that man shouting again.

"Search the house! Look everywhere I don't want one spot unchecked; do you understand me?"


A cool breeze hit me from behind and I focused my attention there. The window was slightly open. I could go through that window. I knew how risky it was, but I figured I would be safer going through there than being caught by those men downstairs.

I picked up my jacket and quickly rushed to open it, making sure I was quiet as possible as I moved.

I ignored the harsh, cold wind hitting my skin. I quietly shut the window and looked for a way I could get down. I spotted the pile of junk beside our house. I stepped one foot on it and checked if it was sturdy enough to hold me.

Thankfully it was. I carefully made my way down. I ended up at the back of our house.

I crouched as I passed by the kitchen windows, doing my best to not get spotted by the men in our house, stopping and keeping myself quiet when I would hear someone getting close to the window.

When I got to the porch of our house, I checked if there was one of those men outside. When I saw non, I sprinted to the sidewalk and ran. I wasn't risking any chances.

My legs felt like it was burning, and I didn't know if it was because of the harsh cold or from running.

Probably both.

There were only a few people on the streets, which was odd. Usually there would be people going through the streets, some neighbors screaming at one another.

I stopped running when my legs began to quiver. I held a wired fence as I caught my breath.

I heard a noise from above. I looked up and saw jets passing by, and some bigger aircraft machines.

What is happening?

I began to walk along the streets, stuffing my hands in my pocket and hoping that it would bring me enough warmth.

I was only wearing leggings, and a sweater inside my jacket. I let my hair down so it would somehow make me warm as well.

This country has been going through hell for as long as I could remember. Rallies here and there. All the politicians here are corrupt and they were all too busy using the country's funds for their lavish lifestyle.

All the hospitals here are shit and government workers are the meanest they could be.

I wish I could leave this place, but where would we go? Jake and I barely have enough money to buy basic needs, let alone the money to actually get out of this place.

I honestly have no idea where I'm going, but anywhere is better than back at my place. I spotted a group of men a couple of meters away from me, on the other side of the street. They were all wearing the same uniform, and the truck that was parked beside them had a 'BSAA' logo on it.

I was about to make a turn on the street at my left to avoid those men, when I heard a loud noise. The next thing I knew is that I was thrown along the street and my ears were ringing.

I could feel myself being pulled by something, or someone rather. The person was shouting something but I couldn't understand it.

My back was leaned against a wall and I got a look at the guy.

He was handsome, like really handsome. You know, like those male actors you see on television. He has hazel brown eyes, chiseled face, pout-y lips, and a few freckles around his cheeks and nose.

He presses something on my forehead before placing my arm on his shoulder and lifts me from the ground. The buzzing on my ears slowly fading.

The other soldiers were shooting rebels who looked weird, scary weird.

They all have multiple eyes; some even have mutilated body parts.

He was pulling me towards a truck when that also exploded. I nearly lost my balance but he pulled me close to him.

I could feel my cheeks turning pink.

"Captain!" The guy who was carrying me yells.

"It's not safe here! Head to that building!" Their Captain, the older, and buffer guy who was a couple of feet from us yells as he points to the building that was a couple of blocks away from us.

"We have to move fast!" He says to me. Before I could say anything, he picks me up began to ran with his fellow soldiers.

One of the soldiers kicked the door open and rushed inside. It looked like a rich family's home. All the furniture looked nice and the walls were clean and white.

He sets me down on the couch, "How are you feeling?" He asks as he goes down on one knee so he was the same level as I am.

"I'm okay" I replied, not being able to look at him. I find myself unconsciously playing with my hair. It's a habit that I do when I'm nervous.

"I'm Piers" He smiles at me, "You are?"

"Sapphire" I tell him, finally mustering up all my courage to look him in the eye.

"You have a wound on your head, Marco can you hand me a Med. kit?" One of the guys approaches him and takes out a box from his bag and hands it to Piers. Piers thanks him.

He begins to take out some cotton balls and a small bottle that probably had some medicine in it.

He gently taps it on a part on my head and I wince.

"Sorry" He mumbled before tapping it again, this time in a gentler way. When he was done with that, he takes out a new cotton ball and what looked like a tape. He adds the same thing he did on the cotton and gently presses in on my head before adding the tapes.

"There. All good" He says.

"Thanks" I shyly tell him.

"Piers!" Their Captain calls him. "Come over here for a second"

"I'll be right back" He tells me before getting up. I looked around the room and my eyes landed on the mirror.

I looked like a mess, my hair was tangled, and I had dirt on my face.

The other soldiers were sparing me glances while they talked and I think I knew why. It's my eyes.

My eyes have two different colors; one blue and one amber.

And to be honest, I like how it looks. Even my Mom loved it, she said it was what made me 'special'.

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