Chapter 22

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"What? Then... how come... How come you two have the same antibodies?" Sherry speaks up and he looks down at her.

Jake shrugged. "I don't know, but she's not Wesker's kid. We're four years apart."

The ground began to sway under their feet. It looked like the force was coming from the giant cocoon that was hanging on the ceiling.

"It's not safe here anymore. Let's get out of here" They went onto one of the platforms and the younger pair pulled a lever. The machine moved upwards, and the four of them quickly readied their weapons.

"Just so you know, you and I are not done talking" Jake looks back at Chris.

"We get out of here alive and I'll tell you everything you need to know!" He replied.

"I don't know how you managed to survive but I'm impressed," They heard a deep, masculine voice go through the entire room. It was coming from the speakers.

"What the?" Chris looks around the area. "Who are you?" He shouts. They heard a loud beep come from somewhere. Jake followed where the sound came, it was on a monitor that was in between the two levers that they pulled earlier.

It showed a man who was wearing a tuxedo.

"Ah, you must be Jake Muller. How nice to finally meet you"

"And who the hell are you?" Jake glared at the guy. How does he know my name? Jake thought.

"Carter Johnson" Jake looked at Sherry who spoke up. She looked back at Jake.

"He's a doctor," Sherry replies, "He's also under Simmons' guardianship, like me."

"Doctor? Look too young to have a license" Chris mutters.

"It's nice to know you've done your homework" Carter smirks.

"What do you want?" Jake turns his attention back on the screen.

"From you? Nothing. What would I want from you?" The egotistical tone of Carter's voice made Jake's blood boil. "It's the other way around, actually." Carter scoffs.

"And what would I need from you?" Jake raised a brow.

"Your sister... She's a lovely girl, isn't she?" The same smirk was still on Carter's face as he replied.

"You fucker!" Jake screams at Carter. "If anything happens to her I'm going to kill you!"

Carter laughs. The fucking audacity.

"I doubt it. You're in the room with the most brilliant thing we've ever made and it's about to hatch in a few minutes. Good luck, you're going to need it." The monitor dies and the ground began to shake once more, it was stronger this time.

The platform stops when they got to the top. The giant cocoon began to crack and a giant, transparent hand came out before it pushed itself out of it. It raised it's hand and was about to hit them all but they managed to jump out of the way. Sherry and Jake landed on the exit but, unfortunately for Chris and Piers, they were on the other side.

"Get out of here! We'll take care of it!" Chris speaks up.

Jake pulled Sherry to the exit but she refuses.

"You've got a job to do, remember?" Jake reminded her. Jake looked at Chris and he moved his head to the side, signalling him to move.

A buzzer rang and the younger pair both ran to the door, they were able to get inside before it fully shut.

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