Chapter 18

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They've been fighting the big behemoth for who knows how long, and they are slowly running low on ammo.

God, what does it take to kill this fucking thing?

Jake checked his gun. Five bullets left. He looks around the place, hoping to find something that they could use against the monster. Jake's eyes landed on the gas tanks that were scattered on the ground.

The monster was heading towards them, and Jake noticed that it was stepping closer to one of those tanks. Jake loaded his gun and aimed it at the gas tanks and pulled the trigger. The bullet landed on the tank and it exploded, causing the other tanks around it to explode as well. The monster staggered back.

Another explosion had happened, one of the electric towers was about to crash. Sherry and Jake both leaped away from the crash and so did Leon and his partner. It crashed on the the monster. Hope that's the last time I see him, but... things usually never go our way, right?

The young pair both got up from the ground.

"Sherry!" The two heard Leon's voice from the other side of the crash.

"Leon" Sherry calls back. "We're heading to the kwoon long building, over in Koocheng! That's where we're meeting Simmons"

Another explosion came from the crash and we backed away.

"Hey!" Jake held her arm and she looks up at him. "If he is half the man you say he is, he'll be fine"

"Yeah, you're right" She sighs. "Let's go"

We both went to the only available exit and ended up at a dock. There was a raft there that we could use to get to the other side. When the two boarded the raft, a monster burst through the gate they had just went through.

This monster was uglier and more horrifying than the ones that they have seen. From head to toe it looked deformed and its hands were formed into what looked like a chainsaw.

Great. Just great. Jake thought as he aimed his gun at it while his other hand went to pull the string on the motor of the raft. He tried to start the engine as fast as he could but it wasn't working.

The ugly monster was halfway to their boat when someone shot it in the head.

Jake looked at Sherry, "Was that you?" He asks.

She shakes her head; a look of shock was on her face too. The engine started and the raft began to move.

The raft was a bit shaky but they were still able to keep their balance on it. They ended up at this run-down building where a bunch of those J'avo's came out, ambushing them. The raft they were on ran out of fuel, and it didn't help that the ugly monster with the chainsaw also came out of nowhere.

A J'avo was about charge at Jake when someone shot it, it landed on the ground fading in the air as it died.

"Someone's shooting at us!" Sherry shouts as she kicks a J'avo before shooting it.

"They aren't shooting at us, they're helping us!" Jake retorted as he swiftly dodged one of the J'avo's attacking him.

Jake fired some shots at the chainsaw monster and it staggered a few steps back, hitting a big, electric, signboard. The monster was electrecuted for a couple of seconds before it fell on the water. The two let out a breath of relief, happy that the monster and those J'avo's are dead.

"I think I see another raft" Sherry speaks up as she runs to the end of what looked like a roof, that they were standing on. Jake followed where she was going. And she was right. There it was another raft that they could use.

Seems like this day is somewhat cooperating with us. Jake thought as he began to start up the engine of the said raft.

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