Chapter 6

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I was at a hospital. I was shocked with what I was seeing. The hospital looked nice, there was no weird chlorine scent, no hospital beds on the hallways, and everything looked neat and clean. Most hospitals I have gone to when I was little was horrible, it looked rundown.

It pleased me to know there was something still decent in this corrupted country.

The room was small, the walls were painted white and the floors had white tiles on it. There was a window that gave me a view of the street behind me. The bed I was sitting on was just a couple of feet away from it.

A nurse was cleaning up my wound, she was nice and friendly too. She looked middle-aged. Her black hair was tied in a neat bun. She wasn't wearing those white caps I see in the movies.

When she finishes with the wound on my head, she smiles at me and excuses herself before leaving the room. I thank her.

As a kid, I had a very weak immune system. I'd get very sick often that Mom and Jake always had to take me to a hospital to get treated.

Because of that I never gained weight, my B.M.I. was low for my height. I remember being twelve years old and weighing under forty. I never had the chance to get outside and play, I was always locked up in my house playing with worn out dolls by myself.

Mom and Jake made it better. They never made me feel like I was alone.

Someone knocked on my door before opening it. It was Piers and there was someone with him. It was a pretty lady wearing a suit. She looked young, probably around her thirties.

Her hair was white, not like blonde, but white. She also had pale skin. She kind of reminded me of a fictional character, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"How are you feeling?" Piers asks me.

"I'm okay" I tell him before sparing a glance at the lady again.

"That's good. Sapphire, this is Jill Valentine" Piers introduces. Ms. Valentine steps towards me and offers her hand. I shake it. "She works for the Medical and Emergency sector of the BSAA, specifically for Behavioral Health"

"I just have to ask you a couple of questions." She tells me in a kind tone.

I nod, "Okay". Piers excuses himself and steps out of the room. Ms. Valentine pulls a chair from the table near the bed I'm sitting on and sits on it.

"I hope you don't feel nervous or anxious with this, we just want to know more about the Bio-terrorism that is currently happening in your country and we believe that you might be able to help us by answering some of our questions." She calmly explains and I nod.

"I understand" I reply.

"How long have you lived in Edonia?" She asks me as she opens the black folder she was holding and takes out a pen from her pocket.

"Since I was born" I tell her and she writes it down.

"Were you aware of the civil war that was happening in your country?"

I nod, "Yes, it's been going on for as long as I can remember"

"I see. Tell me, have you ever noticed anything out of the ordinary before all this had happened?"

I had thought about it for a moment. "No... Not really. There was always trouble in this country"

"Okay. I hope you don't take offense to this question, but—" She pauses before continuing her sentence, "—have you ever participated in these rebellious acts or do you know anyone who does?"

"No, I haven't" I tell her. "And no, I don't. I grew up spending most of my time indoors."

"I see." She shuts her folder and stuffs her pen back in her pocket. "That's all we have for today. Thank you for your time" She stood up and so do I. She offers her hand and I shake it. "The BSAA will be helping you with your medical expenses so you'll have nothing more to worry about. I hope you don't mind if we ever intend to interview you again if some were to come up."

"You're just doing your job" I tell her, understanding that she was just doing her job. We both let go and she thanks me again and wishes me well before leaving the room.

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