Chapter 11

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We've been on the road for hours now. When they told me that it was Carter who wanted to hurt me, I couldn't help but feel betrayed. That time we talked earlier; it was all just a lie. He just did that to... use me.

And it hurt.

I really thought he wanted to be... God, I'm so stupid!

I looked outside the window and we were going through a field. Despite the moon shining bright I couldn't tell what were in those fields.

"Where are we going?" I ask, really wanting to change the subject but I kept my eyes on the view outside.

"North, to Priva. We'll be safer there" Nurse Jenny speaks up. I leaned back on the seat. She looks back to me.

"Hey" I look at Nurse Jenny. "I know everything is... scaring you but I promise you. We're not gonna let anything happen to you."

"Thank you" I tell her in the sincerest way possible. It felt nice knowing that someone I didn't know would do all of this for me.

Hours later we arrived at this small house on a hill. It looked modern, narrow with two floors and a glass wall on the bottom floor where I could see a cozy looking living room.

We got inside and the lights went on. The place looked better up closely. There was a set of leather couches in the middle of the room, facing the fireplace. On top of that fireplace was a wedding photo of Nurse Jenny and Jacob. They were smiling brightly while they looked at each other.

"You must be tired. I'll show you your room" Nurse Jenny speaks up.

"I'll go and make dinner" Jacob says as Nurse Jenny takes me upstairs.

Nurse Jenny opens the first door on her right when we turned a corner. The lights flicker open when we stepped in the room. The room had barely any furniture in it, but nonetheless it looked nice and modern.

There was a pink and blue teddy bear on the bed. I went to it and picked the pink one up.

"You have a child?" I ask her.

She shakes her head. "We don't. We couldn't"

"Oh" I felt a pang of guilt in my chest when I brought up such a sensitive topic. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..."

"No, it's fine. You didn't know, you don't have anything to apologize for." She says. "This is the bathroom—" She places the palm of her hand on the door beside her, "You can clean up here. I'll go and leave you to it. I'll just leave some clothes for you on your bed."

"Okay. Thanks Nurse Jenny"

"Jenny. Just call me Jenny" She insists. She leaves the room and I sat down on the bed.

The more I looked around the room, I kind of see some stuff that were for children aside from the toys on the rack in front of the bed. The study table was small, and the room was filled with shapes, and numbers that were attached on the ceiling. The walls were painted a pale pink color.

I got up from the bed and went to the bathroom. It was spacious. There was a shower on the bath tub, and one sink with a large mirror.

I turned the faucet on and warm water comes out.

Oh wow... I've never had a bath like this before. If I wanted a hot bath at home, I'd have to boil water and put it on the bath tub.

When the tub was half full, I shut the faucet and took my clothes off and stepped in the bath tub. The warm water felt nice. I took the liquid soap that was on rack on the top of the tub and poured some on the water.

Hmm... that smells nice... and expensive too. I leaned back and relaxed. This was an awfully tiring day; physically and emotionally.

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