Chapter 41.

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Jessica’s P.O.V*

It had been hours since we arrived at the hospital and things were picking up for Court as her contractions were beginning to come faster and last longer. She had refused to get the epidural whenever the doctor asked if she wanted it, saying that it would be too hard for her to push later on; she’s currently going through the pain but has never said she wished she would have go the medicine.

I sat in the chair on one side of her bed as I helped guide her through the pain while Calum sat on the other side trying to be as much help as he could. Luke and Michael sat in chairs against the wall, being as far away from this as they could be. They didn’t like the thought of the whole thing and were quite squeamish of it too.

Courtney laid on her side facing me, moaning as she had ahold of my hand, squeezing it forcefully. The doctors and nurses were always coming in and out of here, checking on the machines beside her bed.

The last time the doctor came in was about an hour ago and by that time she was at eight centimeters. Her doctor told me, as I was the main one in her room helping her, that it shouldn’t be too long before she would be fully dilated.

After the latest contraction came and went, my hand was free for a moment. I took the time to stand up, waving for Calum to come over and sit with her while I talked to Luke. Calum sat in my seat as I grabbed Luke’s hand and pulled him down the hall a little way.

I slumped against the wall, sliding down and sitting on the floor. Luke knelt down in front of me, moving my hair away from my face.

“I’m proud of you, you’re helping her so much.” He sat down beside me, pulling me into his side.

“Have you called her dad and Ashton?” I rested my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes.

“Yeah, her dad said he’d be here as soon as he could but Ashton’s phone just went to voice mail so I called his mum and she said he was already flying in. He won’t know she’s here until tomorrow night.” Luke said. We sat in silence for a few minutes before I head commotion down the hall.

I opened my eyes to see a nurse coming out of Court’s room in a hurry. Michael fled the room seconds after the nurse had. His eyes were wide as he approached us.

“You okay, Mikey?” I asked.

He shook his head, looking lost and quite scared. “I’m never having kids.” He mumbled just loud enough for us to hear.

I couldn’t help it, I laughed at him. Everything has been so tense in the past seven hours and this was the first time things were light hearted.

“Michael, you do know that you don’t have to worry about that since you’re kind of the wrong gender to be having a baby.” I explained.

He cracked a smile, shaking his head. “Yeah, I don’t think watch someone else go through that.”

It was my turn to shake my head. He’ll find someone and then go through this same thing with them.

“Jess, they’re taking her into the delivery room now and she wants you.” Calum has come out of the room, wandering down the hall to us.

My breath caught in my throat at his words, she wanted me in there with her? We hadn’t talked about it, in the beginning we all figured it would be Ashton who was going to be in there with her but since the break-up no one has brought it up.

My eyes were wide as Luke rubbed up and down my arm.

“Go, she needs you.” He leaned over and whispered in my ear.

I looked at him unsure of if I should. He gave me a big smile, encouraging me. I smiled back. He’s right, she does need someone and since it’s not Ashton or any of her family; I’ll be there for her.

I gave Luke a quick kiss and a wave to the other boys before heading down the hall and meeting up with the nurses outside of Court’s room.

Courtney’s P.O.V*

If I thought the active part of labor was hard, I certainly didn’t know that pushing was going to be much worse.

Sweat dripped from my forehead as I was leaned forward. Jessica was at my side along with the nurse on my other, counting loudly.  Once the number  hit one I exhaled loudly and leaned back against the bed to rest before having to push again.

“You’re doing so well Court.” Jessica encouraged, wiping away the sweat from my face. I smiled at her lazily.

I was spent and tired but before I could actually sit and take a long breath the doctor was telling me to push again, insuring the counting to start again.

Through the pain and pushing and counting I could hear the doctor saying that the baby was crowning; that being relief to my ears. Braxton was almost out.

The pushing lasted for mere minutes before the doctor was placing my son on my chest and nurses were crowding around me, wiping him off.

The moment my eyes laid sight of him, my world seemed to slowdown. He was absolutely gorgeous and so tiny and in that second I knew I’d love him more than my own life.  I brushed my fingers over his face, watching on as he was calm, whimpering slightly- but not crying.

My eyes shed happy tears. He was finally in my arms and not inside me anymore.

The doctor had Jess cut the cord and then my son was taken away. I was sad but knew that it was required because he had to go through some little test then they had to figure out his weight and measurements. After that they would bring him back to me.

I had delivered the after birth and was cleaned up before a nurse came back to gather my son’s information.  In the last few seconds before making it final, I tweaked Braxton’s name just a bit. Although Jessica’s suggestion of Remmington was great, I just couldn’t help but think of using it as a first name later on that is if I ever have any more children. When she had all the details for Braxton’s birth certificate, I was wheeled back into my room.

Jessica had left after Braxton was born to go and talk to the guys in the waiting room. So while she was gone, I was sat alone until they brought Braxton to me.  The nurse placed him in my waiting arms then left us alone.

This time as I looked at him I saw his features.

He had a little bit of brown peach fuzz on the top of his head and his nose was almost like a button. I knew he would be my little man, just looking like his mommy; although he had those dimples in his cheeks that Blake has.

I kissed his forehead, feeling the tears again. They were happy tears of course, because this was the best day of my life, or well morning since it was really early Thursday morning.

“Knock, knock.” Jessica peaked her head inside the room, a bright smile on her face as she caught sight of Braxton again. From behind her I could see Calum, Michael, and Luke all waiting anxiously to meet him.

All four of them gathered around the bed, smiling as I tilted Braxton tiny body away from me so they could see him.

“He’s so small. Michael commented after the small smile he sent my way.

I laughed softly.

“He’s only an hour old, he shouldn’t be too big Mikey.” He shook his head at my comeback.

Mumbling, he said. “Jest went through eight hours of labor and still sassing me.”

Here's your regular update! Braxton's here! :D How are y'all liking it?

-Stay Beautiful! <3

Unpredictable  // Ashton IrwinUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum