Chapter 15.

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I knocked on Court's door, nervously waiting for what she had to say. I didn't want to spring us leaving on her like that, I was actually just going to ask her if she wanted to come with us first then tell her we were going to start our tour in Europe. Although, I messed it all up and it came out wrong.

The door opened and Courtney stood in the doorway.

"Come on in." She gestured for me to come in, sweeping her hand in, stepping back and holding the door wider.

I walked in, heading to the living room when she stopped me, telling me to follow her. She walked upstairs and to her room. Crazy enough I actually have never seen it before.

"Don't mind Caleb, he's a bit of a grouch when it comes to people." She said, talking about the cat that was currently stretched across her pillows. Well he was until she sat down on the bed, making it move and disturb his sleep. He stood up and stretched, growling at her in the process. "Mean one, isn't he?" I smiled at the black fur ball as he jumped off the bed and trotted out the door.

"He's only like that because I got him fixed a few weeks back and he is resentful to me." She shrugged, as she got comfortable on her bed. Once it became quiet, I watched as she began to picking at her finger nail polish. I learned that it was a habit of hers when she was nervous or scared.

"So, have you figured out your answer yet?" I went straight for the question, sensing that it was the reason she asked me over here. My voice was really low as I took in the way she was acting, thinking that she was going to say no to coming with us. She surprised me though.

"Okay, I've not talked to my boss but I'm going to soon and I guess I'm going to be giving her a brief two week notice." She smiled fully at me, making me grin too. Not only for the fact that she was coming with us but because when she smiled it made her whole face light up.

"So that means you're coming with us?" I asked, just making sure she really was and I wasn't taking it the wrong way. She nodded her head rapidly, grinning stupidly.

I couldn't help myself; I tackled her to the bed, squeezing her tightly. She was coming with us and I couldn't have been happier.

"Ash, you have to loosen your grip." She wheezed out making me instantly let go of her.

"Sorry." I said sheepishly, making her shake her head at me. We laid there for a few minutes in silence until she spoke up.

"What all do I need to take with me and get. You all didn't really tell me where you were headed to first." I looked up to her, thinking about where we were going first.

"The first concert is the thirty first of March and it's in Sweden. So bring warm clothes, passport, and all that good stuff. Later on we'll switch to summer clothes when we need to." I told her then watched as her facial expression changed. She looked excited but I could still see a hint of nerves coming through. I rubbed my knuckles against her cheek softly. "Don't be scared or nervous. You'll have the guys and I, plus Liz. So you won't be the only girl on the bus with us." She calmed down but then looked confused.

"Who's Liz?"

"Oh, that is Luke's mom. She's the tour mom that travels around with us." She understood after that, nodding her and then laying it down on her pillow that had moved a little bit.

"What are you doing tomorrow?" She asked out of the blue. I sat up, thinking about what it was we were doing tomorrow.

"I think that the guys were going to invite the lady we  had bought the house off of over and talk to her. We were thinking about what to do with it for now." I scratched the back of my neck, remembering Calum talking about it this morning.

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