Chapter 36.

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Fair warning, there's quite a few point of view changes...

Courtney’s P.O.V*

I sat mindlessly in the doctor’s room, waiting for her to come back in. She had wanted to do a few tests today, and while she was gone it left me to think- something I clearly did not want to do right now.

I could get why Ashton called this morning. I am terrified myself, so for his sake, I told him it was okay; even though it was far from. It was my biggest fear to be doing this alone, and the only person to blame is myself.

Blake was an asshat but I was the one who said fine, and told him not to worry. I thought I could do this alone and, in reality, I didn’t think I could. This was one of my biggest fears; raising a child alone; I wonder if this is how my father felt when my mom died.

I jumped, hearing the light knock on the door before my doctor came through with a smile on her face. “Shall we do an ultrasound now?” I gave her a smile, nodding my head.

“Lay back and lift your shirt.” I did as told, and smiled as she put the gel on my stomach and started the ultrasound. She pointed things out to me, telling me all about how he looks like he’s a healthy baby.  I smiled a real smile at that, Braxton was healthy and doing well.

“Would you like pictures?” See this is why I liked this Dr. Maddison; she was always so nice and was completely understanding.

I gave her a quick yes causing her to laugh at me.  As she printed the pictures off, I cleaned my stomach of the gel and – it’s actually a lot harder than it sounds- sat up.

“Have you picked out a name for the little guy?” She asked.

“Yeah, I’m going to name him Braxton.” I fixed my shirt, making sure it was in the right spots before I stood up from the plastic examination bed.

Dr. Maddison handed me the pictures, reminding me of things to do before coming in again. I had to be back in two weeks. I walked out the door, stopping and making another appointment at reception before heading out the main door.

The air was quite chilly this afternoon and even though I had a coat on, I could still feel the chills along my skin.

Before calling Jessica, I took the sonogram photos out and took a picture of one of them, sending it to my dad, letting him know how his grandson was doing. I, also, decided to put the photo on Twitter.

“@Court_Faith93: Braxton’s quite a cutie. He’s 34 weeks and still growing.”

I attached the picture and posted it, not really caring that I put his name in the tweet. I’m sure that the other two boys have figured it out, and if they haven’t, well they know now.

Ashton’s P.O.V*

I felt horrible waking up. My head hurt and my stomach was in knots. Of course I would remember the phone call last night right as soon as my eyes opened; that was the only thing I could think of. I felt extremely guilty but I also knew that I was nowhere near being ready for that type of responsibility.

I sat up in bed, feeling the need to get out of my clothes from yesterday.

Slowly, I made my way out of my small bunk and over to my suitcase, pulling out some new clothes and going to the bathroom.  I stripped and got into the shower, allowing the warm running water to wash away some of the grossness I was feeling, away.

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