Chapter 16.

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My eyes traveled around the room, being met with the faces of many people I didn't know. The lads and I stood out like a sore thumb. Everyone here was dressed in nice clothes as our black skinny jeans and, almost, dress shirts made a noticeable difference. It was for a good thing, though, getting up early and then coming to Court's open house at the library. She was surprised this morning when we all stood on her front porch, dressed and waiting. She wasn't even fully dressed yet. At the time, she was still in her pajamas from last night. Her make-up was done and it looked as though she had just started on her hair as it was half way up.

Suddenly everyone around me started clapping, startling me from my thoughts. Instinctively I started clapping as well; for what I have no clue. Seconds passed by quietly as we waited for whoever was next to speak. After a moment Sharon, as I now know is Courtney's boss, stood up behind the podium.

"Before we head off for cake, I'd like to recognize a woman for her undying help and support of the library. We know you've only been her for a little over two years but we are family here and when you leave we will miss you. So on behalf of myself, Geraldine, and the library board, Courtney, we want you to have a fun trip and know that whenever you get back, your job will be waiting for you. Best wishes Court!" I smiled as she finished, turning to see Court blush as people started clapping.

She had her head semi looking down as her shyness took over. I smiled at her, finding the shyness cute. She was such a badass whenever she wasn't here.

"She's coming with us?" Luke asked, leaning over Calum to do so. I nodded my head eagerly.

"Yeah she told me the other night and I hadn't really found the time to tell you guys." I told him, slightly whispering since the clapping had stopped and people were being ushered into a different room to celebrate with cake.

Once everyone besides us was inside the room, the four of us attacked Courtney with hugs. She didn't go in the room, so it was the perfect time to do so. I had already heard her answer and attacked her with my hug so I let go of her and let the other bear hug her.

"Tours going to be so much fun with you coming now." Michael announced later on that night. Courtney smiled shyly at us. We were all sitting in the living room of our house, doing nothing basically. We had already ate and had fun but not it was late into the night and we couldn't do much.

"Should I be afraid?" She smirked, asking no one in particular.

Luke leaned over towards her saying, "Be prepared." Followed by a wink.

We all had to agree with him. All four of us on a small tour bus is never good. We like to prank each other and do weird shit at all times. You never know with us. She groaned, shoving her face into a pillow cushion. "Is it too late to back out?" She teasingly asked, her voice being muffled by the pillow. I quickly answered with a yes.

She's already agreed to go and she's not backing out now; even if she is just joking. Everyone gave me weird looks at my fast comeback but brushed it off.

"It's okay Ash, y'all are stuck with me now." She giggled, looking at me with a smile.

The boys and I were pretty excited about her coming with us. It be fun and I'm sure the fans would love her too.

"Do you have Twitter?" I asked her, wondering if any of the fans know about her or have found her on twitter.

"Yeah but I'm literally never on it since I don't have time. Why?" She asked me quizzically, looking at me then to the others who were listening intently to our conversation.

Unpredictable  // Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now