Chapter 9

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We got home and I was beat. All of that and now my family to deal with. It's just so much.

Sam went to the kitchen while I went to change. Everything felt tight and sweaty on my skin. My body would heat up every time I was around Sam and when he was gone, the heat was worse. My head had been hurting like crazy. I dressed in a pair of short athletic shorts and a tank top. I walked down the stairs only to find Lauren trying to get in my mate's pants. I smiled at the struggle he was having of keeping her off.

Since she was my twin sister, I could feel what she felt. That meant that he couldn't really do anything.

"I told you to stay away from him." My voice was calm. It scared the hell out of Sam. His face was almost white. I walked over to my pale mate and pulled him down to me. He was shocked at first, but kissed my lips. He went for dominance and when I wouldn't give it to him, he groaned. I smiled and jumped so my legs were wrapped around his waist. He held my butt so I could finish.

I was on top of the world right then. "Laney Marie. Is this how you greet your guests?" I turned around to see one person I hadn't seen since he got a mate.

"Cody! Oh my God! I missed you so much." I gave Sam another quick kiss and ran over to my cousin. "God, Cody I missed you. I love you so much!" I giggled and hugged him hard. He pulled me on top of him like I was with Sam. I clung onto him like the world was about to end.

My body started to ache and I turned my head to see Sam talking to Lauren and grabbing her arm. "Wait. Babe, where are you going?"

"To give you privacy." He said a little too harshly. I whimpered for my mate. He went to turn around when I pushed him to the ground and straddled him. "No. I don't think so, babe." I leaned down to kiss him, but he stuck his finger in my mouth. I had to do it. I sucked on his finger and I felt him get tighter. My wolf took over and my hips started my rub against him. I moaned which brought him out of his head. He stopped me.

"Maybe later angel. We have a guest." His voice was strained but smiled nonetheless.

I got up and pulled Sam with me. "Cody, this is my mate and boyfriend, Sam. Baby, this is my ex-boyfriend slash cousin."


I smiled, hugged Lane around the waist and pulled her to me. "It's nice to meet you Sam." I shook his hand and looked him over. "I don't plan on trying to get her. She's my cousin. My preggy momma is in the kitchen."

Lane's face lit up and she took off running. I decided to text Blane to see if he knew anything on this guy. He knew everything. But won't tell me because of Laney.

"So you are the new boyfriend, huh?" He was looking me over. "Well you better treat my cousin good or I'm coming after you. She has told me so many great things about you." He slapped my back in congratulation.

"Thanks. It's nice meeting you." He nodded and we sat down in a comfortable silence. "So what did Laney mean by ex-boyfriend slash cousin?"

"In like sophomore year we dated for a few months. But she still had feelings for you so I didn't want her to push me out of her life so we just became best friends. Later on, my grandma told me a story about my aunt. She ended up telling me the truth about my mom and her getting killed." He took a deep breath and sighed. "So my aunt got married to my dad and basically adopted me."

"Not trying to be rude, but how does that have to do with Laney?"

"My grandma is her grandma. So she was my cousin either way. My mom and dad had moved for a job and when my mom got killed, dad moved back." The sadness in his eyes was making me feel so guilty for even asking.

"I'm sorry man. I shouldn't have asked." I tried to keep my head down.

"Don't worry about it. It would have come out sooner or later. So tell me more about you. Any brothers or sisters?" Amusement was shining in his eyes trying to get me to smile.

I gave in and cracked a smile. "Yeah. I have two sisters and one brother. All younger than me, but one sister. I wanted another brother, but mom and dad wouldn't try again." I said it in a little kids voice.

We both busted out laughing. As soon as I heard footsteps I stopped and not too long after so did Cody. Laney and a girl walked in. Laney sat on my lap and curled up in my chest. The girl smiled at me and when Cody turned his head she winked at me. My wolf was telling me to turn my head, but I couldn't.

I felt like I knew her. She looked like a girl I used to know back in grade school.

"Sam, I would like you to meet my fiancé, Brooklyn." She smiled sweetly at Laney.

"What?! You didn't tell me that you were engaged to him! Why didn't I know about this?" Laney was sitting on the edge of my knees. With the white sheer shirt she had on I could see color on her back. I gently lifted up her shirt. It was a tattoo. When did she get this?

She pushed my hand away and leaned back.

"I hope you guys don't mind, but may I speak to Sam for a minute?" I looked up and Brooklyn was staring at me. Laney nodded and headed into the kitchen with Cody. "Hey."


"Laney is a handful at times." I nodded and chuckled at the comment. "And I want to give you props for putting up with her so long. Congratulations, honey. I'm so excited for the both of you."

"Thanks. She is quite the little bundle of emotions. She has been acting a little weird lately." She nodded.

"Well have you guys mated?"

"Nope. We found out like two week ago. Since then, she has been trying to be around me as much as possible." She smiled and rubbed her belly.

"She is probably getting ready to go into heat. I got this little one on the first try. I was thinking Wade. What do you think?" Her smile never faded.

"I like it. It fits you two." She nodded in approval. "Well I better get back to Lane. It was great meeting you. And Wade."

She held her hands out and made a grabbing motion. I gave her a confused look. "Help me up."

"Oh!" I jogged over there and let her grab onto me. She didn't let go though. I was pulled tighter against her. I heard her groan and fall back on the couch.

"Oh fuck!" She grabbed her stomach.

Cody and Laney ran into the living room. She still hadn't let go, but made her grip tighter with the hand that was holding my shirt. "Baby! I need you. I think-"

Right then water started dripping on the floor. Everybody stopped with wide eyes. I was pushed to the side with Laney grabbing my waist from behind. I held her hands while Cody took care of his mate. "She's going into labor. Can you follow us? Grab her bag to." He picked her up and rushed out the front door.

Laney moved so she was in front of me. "Can I have one?" She had a glowing smile.

"If you want one." She hugged me tight and stood there rubbing her head on my chest. "Getting comfortable?"

She stopped. Pulled away and kissed me hard with so much desire it was hard not to take her right there. "We have to go before she has the baby." She ran to get the bag and we headed for the pack hospital.

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